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Mid-range CAD software priced between $500 and $1500.
Power, Productivity, and Simplicity. CADMAX Solid Master is the standard in Windows-based mechanical design software available for purchase through the internet. CADMAX Solid Master offers feature-based solid modeling, boolean solid modeling, free-form surface modeling and 2D drafting all integrated into a single application with a common user-interface.
SketchUp is 3D modeling software that's easy to learn and incredibly fun to use. Download SketchUp today for free and get started drawing in 3D. USD 590
Rhino can create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and translate NURBS* curves, surfaces, and solids, point clouds, and polygon meshes. There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size beyond those of your hardware. USD 995
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AcceliCAD and IntelliCAD - The AutoCAD Alternatives - Download a fully functional IntelliCAD 6 evaluation for FREE. Create professional CAD drawings with DWG compatibility!
The first all-in-one CAD design solution in .dwg. BricsCAD is the familiar design program for all your needs; 2D drafting, 3D modeling, mechanical design and BIM.
Discover affordable CAD software with industry-standard features, 2D drafting and 3D design tools, .DWG file support and 3D print-ready functionality.
progeCAD 2016. Based on the latest IntelliCAD engine and provides high performance, stability and a series of new features such as: DWG 2016 support, Windows 8.1 compatibility, EasyArch 3D, Cloud Integration, Dynamic Input, 3D PDF Export, PDF to DWG conversion, Hatch Trimming, Tables, Multiline styles and more...
TurboCAD Pro Platinum is premium, professional 2D/3D CAD with advanced architectural & mechanical tools for greater control and flexibility.