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Updated by PanBI DataAnalytics on Jul 09, 2015
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List of Excel Tools

List of Excel Tools. Feel free to add to this list of excel tools.


Quick Tools for Microsoft Excel

Time always helps us find faster and easier ways to reach our goals. We work a lot in Excel and came across tasks that eat our time when we look up how to carry them out or follow the same steps again and again.

ASAP Utilities for Excel - Descriptions of all tools in ASAP Utilities (English)

This list gives you a glance at the macro tools in ASAP Utilities. Please take the time to read it. I'm sure you'll find some great time-saving tools such as many others did. Language: Find a utility containing the word(s): You can also view a fully expanded list with the entire ASAP Utilities submenus and their tools.

Three Must-Know Excel Tools

Excel comes loaded with lots of tools to help you work smarter and easier. Today we'll look at three tools -- Reports, Views and Outlining -- that can make a big impact on your day-to-day work in Excel. There are times when creating a single worksheet to meet a range of different purposes comes in handy.

50+ (Mostly) Free Excel Add-Ins For Any Task -

There is no doubt about it - Excel is one powerful tool. However, it does have its limitations. That is where add-ins come in to play. Microsoft has been kind enough to open its code base and allow third party developers to extend the functionality of Excel.

Load the Analysis ToolPak

The Analysis ToolPak is a Microsoft Office Excel add-in program that is available when you install Microsoft Office or Excel.

Load the Solver Add-in

The Solver Add-in is a Microsoft Office Excel add-in program that is available when you install Microsoft Office or Excel.

Business Intelligence in Office and SQL Server | Microsoft

Self-service Excel provides new self-service capabilities and empowers users with data discovery, analysis, and visual exploration. Uncover hidden insights and facilitate ease of collaboration and access from anywhere through HTML5 and mobile applications. Dashboards SharePoint Server provides a full set of rich dashboard and scorecard capabilities including advanced filtering, guided navigation, interactive analytics, and visualizations.

Power Query

Microsoft Power Query for Excel is an Excel add-in that enhances the self-service Business Intelligence experience in Excel by simplifying data discovery, access and collaboration.

Free Analysis Toolpak Replacement | AnalystSoft | StatPlus:mac | StatPlus | BioStat | StatFi

free statistical software, excel add-in, addin, analysis, toolpak, excelmbasic statistics,determining descriptive statistics,normality tests,T-Test/Pagurova Criterion/G-Criterion,Fisher F-test,correlation coefficients (Pearson, Fechner) and covariation,ANOVA (MANOVA, GLM ANOVA, Latin squares analysis),regression analysis,multivariate regression,linear,logistic,stepwise,polynomial,Cox,proportional-hazards,nonparametric statistics,2x2 Tables,Chi-square, Yates Chi-square, Exact Fisher Test, etc.),rank correlations (Kendall Tau, Spearman R, Gamma, etc.),comparing independent samples (Mann-Whitney U Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Test, Rosenbaum Criterion;Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, median test),comparing dependent samples (Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test, Sign Test, Friedman ANOVA, Kendall's Coeff.

FRED Add-In for Microsoft Excel

Download 260,000+ free economic time series data sets in Microsoft Excel using this add-in from the St. Louis Fed FRED database. The data includes free time series from regional, national, and international data providers.

Simtools.xla and Formlist.xla are add-ins for Microsoft Excel (version 5 and later). Simtools adds statistical functions and procedures for doing Monte Carlo simulation and risk analysis in spreadsheets. Formlist is a simple auditing tool that adds procedures for displaying the formulas of any selected range.

OM/IE Excel

The add-in implements several forecasting methods for data series including: moving average, exponential smoothing, regression and double exponential smoothing. The add-in constructs a form that holds the data and uses functions to compute forecasts and forecast errors. Several data series can be analyzed on a single worksheet page.

The XY Chart Labeler Add-in

A very commonly requested Excel feature is the ability to add labels to XY chart data points. The XY Chart Labeler adds this feature to Excel. The XY Chart Labeler provides the following options:

Hospitality Dashboard Analysis & Reports | PanBI

Check how PanBI Hospitality Dashboards can help you access Real Time Data and Reports.

Grant Management

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