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Updated by Tammy Thieme on Apr 24, 2020
Tammy Thieme Tammy Thieme
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Top 5 Missouri Hikes

Here is a top 5 list of my favorite hikes in the state of Missouri that I have been on so far!


Bell Mountain

Bell Mountain

Bell Mountain is just a gorgeous hike for Missouri. The view is amazing. It is slightly shorter than Taum Sauk but the trail that leads to the summit is much more rugged. Read more about my Bell Mountain trip and see more pictures at


Mina Sauk Falls

Mina Sauk Falls

It's a very hard choice between Taum Sauk and Bell Mountain...but I ranked Mina Sauk Falls at Taum Sauk (Missouri's highest point) second on my list. Read more at


Elephant Rocks State Park

Elephant Rocks State Park

Elephant Rocks State Park isn't much of a hike, but your likely not going to see anything quite like it (at least in Missouri) again! Take the's a cool place to see!




Swan Creek Wilderness Area is part of Mark Twain National Forest south of Chadwick. It's hard to find on a maps app but I promise you it is there. It doesn't have quite the overwhelming views as the first 3 entries do; but this is one place you can really get out, stretch your legs, and make some mileage. Another great thing is that there is potable water so you don't have to carry so much; a nice feature for this part of Missouri which can run dry at times.


Blair Ridge Rd

Blair Ridge Rd

Blair Ridge is a trail in Hercules Glade Wilderness, part of Mark Twain National Forest in south-central Missouri. It's a nice trail that leads you to a small set of falls. A great place to camp and hike year-round.