(MSNBC Morning Joe) -- MIKA BRZEZINSKI: “David, what do you think about that? And what do you think about Bill Daley not knowing about the server. Is that unusual? Is that an issue?”
DAVID AXELROD: “It is unusual, he was the chief of staff. I confess, I was there, I was the senior adviser, I didn’t know that as well”
BRZEZINSKI: “If you did find out when you were there, would you say hey whoa, wait a minute, guys, should we all talk about this? Would you flag it?”
AXELROD: “I might have asked a few questions about that. You know, look, I don’t think, again, the question is what are people focused on, what do they care about? They care about their lives. They care about being able to meet their bills. They care about how their kids are going to do in the future. That’s where their focus is that what the gamble of the Clinton campaign is that people don’t really care about that. So you know now, it may turn out–”
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: "But you have, if you found out, i mean you were serving a senior adviser in the White House and you found out about that, you would of thought there -"
AXELROD: "Well I certainly, I would ask a question...I would have concerns about it."