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Updated by April Rose Casiple Semogan on Mar 11, 2025
Headline for Top 10 Major Do’s And Don’ts Of Home Renovation
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Top 10 Major Do’s And Don’ts Of Home Renovation

If you’re looking for the best time to start your home renovation project, then you have to think no further because the answer is now. Summer is fast approaching and it is probably the perfect time of year to finally remodel you home because of the perfect weather and other factors. However, before you leap into this project, you better get yourself familiar with the top ten major do’s and don’ts of home renovation.

Don’t: Do DIY Home Renovation If You’re Not Qualified | Bank Rate

It is understandable that you don’t want to spend more on your home renovation and as much as possible, find ways to save. However, you shouldn’t decide on DIY if you are not qualified or fit for it because tendency is, you’ll end up doing the wrong things. There are tasks that should be left to the professionals to ensure quality and safety.

Do: Home Renovation Checklist | Real Simple

Home renovations can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. This is why it is important that you create a home renovation checklist before you start hammering your home. Write down the tasks that you should do before and after this project to ensure that everything is in order, avoid hassle along the way and to make sure that everything will be accomplished.

Do: Find A Reliable Contractor | US News

Find the right and reliable contractor for the job is quite difficult, but you can manage it through the help of some tips from professionals. Hiring a quality contractor who performs at a high level from start to finish is what you need to ensure that the result of your project is topnotch. At the same time, you can tell that your investment has been used in the good way.

Don’t: Neglect Your Pets During Renovation | About

In as much as you want to make your home renovation perfect, you shouldn’t let your pets get in the way or play in your working area. As pet owners, you should always keep them safe by boarding them or securely fence them in the backyard. They can’t protect themselves from harm or danger, so you should be responsible enough to do the job.

Do: Here’s the Right Amount to Spend On a Home Renovation | Time

Setting a realistic budget for home renovation is very important. You have to consider how much you can afford before you proceed in renovating your home. It is essential that you spend the right amount for your project without compromising the quality. Determine how much the smart amount to spend is and how much is not wise enough.

Do: Prioritize Safety And Follow Safety Rules | Global News

Whether you prefer DIY or professional renovation, you have to set safety as priority. Given this, you have to follow safety and health tips along this project in order to avoid any accidents while working in the area. Also, it is important to handle hazardous materials such as asbestos in the right way so that it will not pose any threats to our health.

Do: Install Energy-Efficient Improvements | Mother Earth News

As part of your home renovation, you should consider installing energy-efficient improvements such as doors and PV panels. Some of these improvements can be pricey, but if you don’t want to bust your budget, here are some recommendations for affordable home energy efficiency upgrades that will pay for themselves in short order. It doesn’t have to be expensive for you to add value to your home.

Don’t: Invest In DIY Or Inexperienced Technician | Jameswood Homes

DIY home renovations are cheaper. However, as what we’ve mentioned earlier, if you’re not fit for DIY, it could be very dangerous especially in terms of electrical matters. Electrical projects are not as easy as they might seem. Inexperienced electrician can leave potential fire or electrocution hazards or present potentially fatal situation where the work is done.

Don’t: Commit The Common Renovation Mistakes | Style At Home

During the time you’re working with your home renovation project, it is important that you avoid the common mistakes done by others. Instead, learn from it and do the right thing on your part. For example, you shouldn’t cheap out, buy before planning and ignore issues. Whether big or small, mistakes need not to happen.

Don’t: Ignore Child Safety During Home Renovations | Bob Vila

If you have children at home, you should secure their safety as well. Kids are more susceptible to diseases or conditions that can be caused by the materials you’re using for renovation. This is why you should keep them out of harm’s way by following safety steps. You can ask the experts on what to do best in this situation.