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Updated by C Foote on Jun 15, 2015
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C Foote C Foote
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Visible Thinking Strategies

Use these tools and blog posts to help you get started with some visual thinking strategies.

Making Thinking Visible in a Technology Infused Classroom

Part 1 - Making Thinking Visible: After being part of a technology infused classroom for over 15 years, I have recently come to believe something profound about teaching and learning in the technology-rich classroom. Effective technology integration happens when we consider these three questions. How might we make student thinking visible?

What Questions Did Your Students Ask Today?

A while back I stumbled upon a book called A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger..,and it started a thirst in me I have been unable to quench - it's an obsession to get the educators I work with to allow students to ask more questions!

Making Thinking Visible

Link to music teacher blog which explores how visible thinking strategies can be used in the music classroom. Examples of using different types of tools. From the blog: "I have had the honor of hosting Harvard University's Dr. Ron Ritchhart, principal investigator for the Cultures of Thinking Project and senior research associate for Project Zero in my classroom twice this year. I met Dr, Ritchhart in Clarkston, MI when I was attending the Cultures of Thinking teacher leadership cohort in 2012."

Conversations in Literacy: Tabletop Twitter

"I learned about this great activity at a workshop with Robert Probst. It is a great way for students to interact with each other in writing. All students get to participate at the same time and it gives them a chance to voice their thoughts to each other."

Visible Thinking

A list of seven core routines or strategies for Visible Thinking. A great starting point!

Visible Thinking

A second set of "understanding" routines where students can share what content they understand. Lists of examples and descriptions very helpful. How could these be used at the end of a unit?

A good article showing visible thinking in use in a classroom. Good examples and a clear explanation of the methods.

A workbook to accompany the Visible Thinking method with explanations, examples. Adaption for Kentucky schools. Very thorough if you want to learn more about the method.

Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners

Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners [Ron Ritchhart, Mark Church, Karin Morrison] -- excellent book explores how to use these strategies with students.

Visible Thinking Routines for Blogging

From Langwitches blog: "Our school's fabulous PE teacher, Claire Arcenas, is bringing blogging to her PE classes. She is incorporating V isual Thinking Routines to help her students become reflective commenters. In a recent planning session, she reminded me of the book Making Thinking Visible by Ron Ritchard, Mark Church, and Karin Morrison, that I had download but not read yet." Great example of how this model can be applied to writing/blogging.

Visible Thinking Routines for Blogging

From Langwitches blog: "Our school's fabulous PE teacher, Claire Arcenas, is bringing blogging to her PE classes. She is incorporating V isual Thinking Routines to help her students become reflective commenters. In a recent planning session, she reminded me of the book Making Thinking Visible by Ron Ritchard, Mark Church, and Karin Morrison, that I had download but not read yet." Great example of how this model can be applied to writing/blogging.

A Teacher Thinking Visibly

An international teacher at YIS reflects on her use of Visible Thinking in the classroom. Great link to a booklet she used to help guide her in learning how to use the method, too.

Secondgradealicious: How About a Tug of War? Making Thinking Visible

From the blog "Have you ever heard of using the "Tug of War" strategy with your students? I got this great idea from the book, "Making Thinking Visible" This is an AMAZING teaching resource! If you are looking for ways to promote engagement and critical thinking in your class (who isn't?!)" -- Using the "Tug of War" method with elementary students.

What Are Routines? How Are They Used?

A Culture of Thinking blog -- describes how visible thinking techniques can be used in the classroom with many posts and examples. Very helpful resource.

See, Think, Wonder

Tracy Clark's workshop materials for TCEA Tots 2015 on Visible Thinking Strategies. Helpful examples of how to use in students.