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Updated by Mikhail Blacer on Jun 04, 2015
Headline for Skincare with the Stuff in Your Kitchen Pantry
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Skincare with the Stuff in Your Kitchen Pantry

Unknown to most people, their fridge and kitchen pantries are a treasure trove natural skincare products. Some of the thick liquids stored in the glass jars can be the answer to your perpetual skin problems: whether it may be acne, dryness or blackheads. Let's learn what hey are along with how to use them:


Honey - the Sweet, Golden Liquid

Honey - the Sweet, Golden Liquid

Though this thick, sugary liquid mainly functions as a sweetener for your tea and coffee, along with being a spread for your early morning toast, it can be used as a skincare product. Though the thought of it at first is far fetched, it has the following capabilities:

-It is antibacterial - though different types of honey have varying degrees of antibacterial capability, the liquid is mainly composed of hydrogen peroxide. Sounds familiar? Well, it's the same compound you parents used to disinfect your wounds as a child.

  • It is anti inflammatory - honey has anti-inflammatory effects, making it suitable in treating inflamed and irritated skin.

Bear in mind that honey is used as a home remedy for wounds and burns. In terms of skincare, it can be mixed with baking soda and cucumbers to create an anti-acne and exfoliating paste.


Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Though this should only be used occasionally (considering that it is slightly toxic), baking soda works wonders as a skincare product. Its notable uses include the following:

  • As a foot scrub - simply add a few tablespoons of baking soda into a tub of warm water and soak your feet into it for several minutes.

  • As a facial wash - it can be mixed with other substances, such as honey (mentioned above) to clear the pores and get rid of various impurities scattered around the face.

This compound can also be used as a sunburn remedy, as well as a whitening agent for the teeth.


Using a Papaya Paste

Using a Papaya Paste

Though this fruit is better off eaten, it can be crushed and turned into a paste and used as a face mask and exfoliator. It is a good antioxidant, and each fruit contains a huge deposit of vitamin C. Though the vitamin is more of an immune system booster, it helps tighten and brighten skin, thus helping you get rid of wrinkles and saggy spots.

To top it all off, it contains anti-inflammatory compounds, along with vitamin A.


Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Olive oil is amazing, though it's a bad idea to fry food with it, this is one of the world's most healthiest foods considering that it can lower blood pressure and cholesterol. I recommend adding a few spoonfuls of oil into your vegetable salad - it mixes well with the dressing.

In terms of skin care, use olive oil on dry skin and lips: it functions well as a moisturizer.


White or brown sugar

White or brown sugar

Sugar is bad for you in excess amounts, given that an increase in blood sugar is never good for the body. That being said, these grainy white or brown crystals function well as a facial cleanser and body scrub, able to clear out dead skin cells and pores filled with dirt and debris.

Mix it with honey, olive oil or with any other paste to garner its full effect, though make sure you don't fully dissolve it!