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Updated by Christopher Zachar on Jun 02, 2015
Headline for The Complete Summer Road-Trip Safety Guide: What you need to know.
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The Complete Summer Road-Trip Safety Guide: What you need to know.

Summer is in full swing. That means there are road-trips to be had! Please take a look at this complete list on how to stay safe while on the road this summer!

100 Deadliest Days of Summer For Teen Drivers: What you didn't know

A new Arizona study reveals teen drivers are most at risk during summer months for fatal crashes. Monday started the beginning of the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer, the time period between Memorial Day and Labor Day when teen crash fatalities climb.

Study: 4 in 10 use social media while driving

Nearly 4 in 10 smartphone users tap into social media while driving, according to a new survey commissioned by AT&T. The biggest draw was Facebook, and "addiction" was cited as a common reason. ADVICE TO ALL: For the sake of you and those around you, PLEASE keep your eyes on the road, not on your phone.

Top 12 Driving Behaviors That Cause Road Rage

Texting and tailgating are the top two behaviors behind the wheel that drive fellow motorists bonkers, according to a new survey by The Expedia Road Rage Report. The survey asked 1,000 drivers to rank the behavior of other motorists in order of aggravation. Below are the results.

Do you know how to handle a road hazard situation? Here are a few tips.

Road hazards occur on a daily basis. They are a part of our daily commute and they can come out of nowhere. Do you know what to do if you are involved in a road hazard situation? We've put together a small and simple list on what you should do if you are eve in a road hazard situation.

4 simple steps to keep you safe in a rear-end car accident.

Rear-end accidents are some of the most common accidents that are reported year after year throughout the nation. Unfortunately, these types of accidents might seem minor, but they can also cause catastrophic injury. Below are a few steps you should follow at all times to help in a rear end car accident.