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Updated by Khadija Amatullah on Dec 25, 2015
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Entrepreneur's Toolkit

10 Ways To Get Out Of Bed In The Morning
  1. Alarm Clock: Choose an alarm clock you like and place it across the room, away from your bed. 2. Sound: Consider different alarm tones, like music, or something extra-loud. 3. Water: Place a glass of water next to your clock and drink it as soon as you turn off the alarm.
Daily Routines Of Successful Entrepreneurs (The Health and Mindfulness Rituals of Success)

What makes a good daily routine for an entrepreneur? This is one of the questions I tried to answer in my recent collaboration Rebecca Livermore, The Daily Entrepreneur. This is a big question, and an important one, for anyone trying to achieve success.

The 10-Minute Weekly Exercise That's Changing My Career

On January 1, I made an unusual resolution. I committed to sending one hand-written letter per week-and not to relatives, or friends, or former teachers, but to other professionals. What would these letters say? That would depend on the week and the person. (Basically, I'd wing it.)

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person

"Do what?" you ask. I DON'T KNOW. LET'S FIGURE THAT OUT TOGETHER, MOTHERFUCKERS. Feel free to stop reading this if your career is going great, you're thrilled with your life, and you're happy with your relationships. Enjoy the rest of your day, friend, this article is not for you.

Are You An Entrepreneur Or a 'Wantrepreneur?'

It seems like everyone is calling themselves an entrepreneur these days, chasing the glory and status of being the next big success story. The truth of the matter is, there are hundreds and thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs who think they have a winning idea but never manage to put it into action and go on to growing a successful business.

Being an Entrepreneur - Qualities, Rules and Harsh Realities

Someone once said that Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won't so you can spend the rest of your life like most people cant.

10 Instant Ways to Be More Likeable

Whether you like it or not (wink, wink), being liked at work is important to your success. Plus, let's be honest: Being liked just plain feels good! Fortunately, if you want to up your likeability quotient, doing a personality 180 is completely unnecessary. Just make these 10 changes.

5 Ways to Transform Yourself Into a Leader

After months of effort, you finally land the promotion you've had your eyes on. On paper, it's your dream job: You have a bigger team under you, more exciting responsibilities, a direct line of communication to the big boss, a salary that's actually competitive, and of course, the highly anticipated corner office.

5 Must-Haves for a Successful Logo

In their book Start Your Own Business, the staff of Entrepreneur Media Inc. guides you through the critical steps to starting your business, then supports you in surviving the first three years as a business owner. In this edited excerpt, the authors offer tips to help you create a logo that truly represents what your company stands for.

87 Incredibly Motivating Quotes That Will Inspire You to Be Successful

I once scoffed at the notion of inspiring quotes and aphorisms. Then, I grew up a bit and shed some of my cynicism. I came to appreciate how reflecting on true words of wisdom can help you to develop a happier, more success-oriented mindset.

6 Horrible Excuses for Not Chasing Your Entrepreneurial Dreams

Do you have dreams that keep getting pushed to the side, and every time they are revisited you make another excuse as to why it's not the right time to chase them?

The 31 Habits of the World's Best Connectors | Live Your Legend

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle **Creativity Update: I'm holed up in Lake Tahoe all week putting the finishing touches on our upcoming How to Connect with Anyone course - so I'm taking a quick breather to get this out to you!

10 Truths We Forget Too Easily

It's surprising how easy it is to lose sight of the important things in life. Busy schedules and weekly routines have a tendency to put the brain on autopilot. Some of life's essential truths need repeating. Keep this list handy and give it a read any time you need a boost.

Expand Your Thinking, Not Just Your Skillset

Often when we set out to better ourselves in our chosen creative field, the first place we turn is to our core skillset. If I am a painter, I will learn a new painting technique. If I am a designer, I will learn a new rendering program.

How Busy People Make Time To Think

Increasingly we are expected to always be "on"-responding to emails and texts outside of business hours. When there's so much to respond to, it's hard to find time to just think about strategy, the big picture, or new ideas. Yet busy people do find time to brainstorm new ideas, and you can too.

Pleasantly Persistent: 5 Rules for Effectively Following Up

I had a conversation with a friend the other day about his job search that went something like this: Friend: I wrote to him last week and still haven't heard back. It's so frustrating. Me: Why not follow up and check in? Friend: I don't want to be annoying.

3 Challenges Unique to Nonprofit Entrepreneurs

Nonprofit founders are entrepreneurs. They risk their time, money, and effort to create and build a successful organization. Like other entrepreneurs, they partner with like-minded investors (donors) to enact new solutions in a sector. And any organization's founder, whether for-profit or nonprofit, will wear many hats, from marketer to accountant to customer service.

Pinterest Best Practices For Brands

With the more than 48 million users Pinterest has become a great referral site for marketers and e-commerce businesses. How brands can use Pinterest to get noticed online here we've an infographic that define some best practices that you should know.

Don't BOMB Your Photos! Consider These 5 Points BEFORE You Shoot

Photos ain't what they used to be. They're SO much more. Whether it's a professional online profile or a simple selfie, we're inundated with images non-stop. That's why, whether you're looking to create your online brand for the first time or revamping a pre-existing campaign, professional images are a MUST.

5 Sacrifices Every Entrepreneur Must Make

Every entrepreneur starts out with big dreams and excitement. As an entrepreneur, you control your own destiny, and with the right ideas, the right skillset and unflinching dedication, you can build wealth or establish an enterprise to serve as your legacy. This is the bright side of entrepreneurship, but unfortunately, there's also a darker side.

11 Step Launch Marketing Plan That Works Every Time

A startup's success often comes down to its marketing, make sure that you've got your strategy in line with this brand or product launch framework . Unfortunately the vast majority of startup founders have no marketing experience and little spend. How do you deal with this dangerous contradiction?

How to completely mess up your marketing in 10 easy steps

If you're afraid of success, here are ten tips to guarantee marketing failure for your enterprise... We're passionate about marketing and have shared tips and strategies to help you get your marketing right - within social , for the multi-screen generation , as well as imminent trends, but change is difficult and sometimes risky.

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Jun 8th, 2015 We're giving away a $100 The Grommet gift card! All you have to do to get it is share this article with the hashtag "#grommetgrowth" by Friday June 12th at 11:59pm. Let's say I put you in a sealed room and tell you that you need to draw a picture of a poodle.

This free tool will analyze your headline to determine the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) score. As you know, reaching your customers in an deep and emotional way is a key to successful copywriting, and your headline is unquestionably the most important piece of copy you use to reach prospects.




Get online marketing strategy, tactics and tips to help your retail business succeed through email, social media, websites and in-store events.

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