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Updated by Fabio Paron on Nov 20, 2018
Headline for AP Microeconomics Unit 5
Fabio Paron Fabio Paron
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AP Microeconomics Unit 5

Beer tax dispute deepens as Belgium accuses France of protectionism

Belgians hint at retaliatory tax increase on wine as French prepare to vote on plans to raise excise on beer by 160%

Which country has the highest tax rate? - BBC News

In which countries do high earners pay the most tax? And where do average earners pay the most?

WATCH: This Video On Inequality Is Going Viral

The gap between the rich and everyone else is wider today than the American people can possibly imagine, as is displayed in 'Wealth Inequality in America,' an infographic-heavy video that ha

The six countries that are about to start taxing people for the first time ever

Six Gulf states have said they will tax their citizens for the first time in a radical policy shift. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) - a loose fedration of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates - has agreed to introduce VAT following costly military campaigns and a drop in global oil prices.

Swiss piano dealers fined for price fixing

Two piano dealers in Switzerland have been fined more than half a million francs for fixing prices on famous brands, the Swiss competition commission (Comco) said on Thursday.

Taxing Sugar to Fund a City

A proposal in Philadelphia would make the city richer and healthier.

Big Soda’s Well-Deserved Losing Streak

The soda industry has shown a willingness to spend millions, often to broadcast false claims about a tax.

For Some Players, Tax Ensures a Loss Even After a Win

Tennessee’s flat tax for visiting professional athletes disproportionately targets lower-paid players, their advocates say, making some trips a money-losing proposition.

The Marginal Tax Rate Mess

Means-tested programs have some undesirable consequences but conventional measures of their impact on marginal effective tax rates are misleading, an economist writes.

The Marginal Tax Rate Mess

Means-tested programs have some undesirable consequences but conventional measures of their impact on marginal effective tax rates are misleading, an economist writes.

Why Aren’t Paychecks Growing? A Burger-Joint Clause Offers a Clue

Some fast-food workers are blocked from changing jobs by obscure language in franchise contracts, and economists are taking note.

Monopsony: When there's only one employer in town

Economists have raised concerns that big retail companies like Amazon are suppressing wages.

How Trump’s Trade War Went From 18 Products to 10,000

The battle began when the United States imposed tariffs on solar panels and washing machines. It has led to a global tit-for-tat targeting billions of dollars of goods.

Should there be a tax on red meat?

It could save lives, experts say, but some people find being told what to eat too much to swallow.

BBC says channels may close without over-75s licence fee

Broadcaster says large cuts will have to be made if nothing changes when subsidy ends