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Updated by Seo Dcpl on May 20, 2015
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Poultry Equipment, Poultry Farming, Cages, Poultry Environmental Control System, Feed Silo, Curtain Winch, Pune, India

Gartech Equipments Pvt. Ltd. is leading manufacturer & supplier of poultry equipment, farming, broiler cage, brooder cages, layer Cage, breeder cage, layer battery, poultry environmental control system, feed Silo, curtain winch

Poultry Equipment, Poultry Farming, Cages, Poultry Environmental Control System, Feed Silo, Curtain Winch, Pune, India

Gartech Equipments Pvt. Ltd. is leading manufacturer & supplier of poultry equipment, farming, broiler cage, brooder cages, layer Cage, breeder cage, layer battery, poultry environmental control system, feed Silo, curtain winch

Broiler Cage System, Pune, India

In these Broiler Battery Cage birds are kept away from manure immensely help improve the birds health & overall performance. Broiler Cages is Better productivity due to better livability. With mechanized system in the broiler cage 10000 birds per hour can be harvested with minimal damage to the bird.

Layer Cage, Breeder Cage, India

These Layer & Breeder Cages are Perfect cage alignment ensures proper functioning of feeding and drinking systems. Breeder Layer Cage Specially engineered cage structure ensuring long term durability.

Egg Handling, Processing & Counting System, India

Manufacturer & supplier of egg handling, processing & counting System in india. We strive towards building a healthy society by delivering more than what is expected.

Layer Battery, Pune, India

Layer Battery High stocking density, up to 8 tiers possible. Layer Battery No more manure marks & hair cracks on eggs. Layer Battery Higher laying performance through better house environment.

Nipple Drinking System, Pune, India

Floor watering system with drip cup is type of nipple drinking system. Fine finish of top SS Pin & bottom Trigger Pin enables to control water flow is features of nipple drinking system

Poultry Environmental Control & Ventilation System, India

Environment control & Ventilation system for poultry are now gaining popularity both in broiler poultry farming. Gartech is a providing all type of environment control system in india.

Egg Collection System, Machine For Poultry, India

Egg Collection System Technically simple & reliable construction. egg collection system made from highly galvanized sheets & powder coated to avoid rusting. High resistance & washable, Polypropylene egg belt.

Poultry Feed Silo

Poultry Feed Silo available from 13M2 to 25M2 volumes. feed silo also available with load cells for measuring quantity of feed in silo. feed silo specially made water proof rivets are used to avoid rusting.

Grower Cage, Rearing Cage, Pune, India

Gartech equipments is leading manufacturer & supplier of poultry Grower Cage, Rearing Cage. we offers poultry cages, Grower Cage, Rearing Cage, breeder cages, commercial layer cages, broiler breeder layer cages, battery for layers.

Broiler Breeder Battery Cage, India

Broiler Breeder Battery Cage High stocking density, multiple rows possible (upto 25,000 breeder females per house). Broiler Breeder Battery Excellent dehydration of manure

Layer Cage System, Manufacturers, Design, India

GE Royal Plus+ for layar Cages is the Unique center cool system with 100% Ventilation. Unique Egg Saver cum Foot rest Stepping on the cage, no more a problem.

A Type Layer Cage For Poultry, Manufacturer, Suppliers India

GE Classic for A Type layer cages comes with high stoking density, with up to 4 tier cage. Enough gaps on top of the cage allow bird to take the head out and breathe comfortably.

Breeder Cage For Poultry, Manufacturers, India

GE Royal Plus+ Breeder Cages are unique suspension design with flexible bottom, keeps breeder more comfortable inside the Breeder cage.

Poultry Cage, GE Royal Plus Pullet

Poultry Cage has G.I Feeder with sliding plate from feeding side, which maintains perfect feeding height of the trough. Poultry cage box is protected by step rail, which is also used as rail for feed trolley thus ensures longer life of cage box.