Over the past years, there have been a lot of positive writings and excellent clinical results about the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on various injuries whether they are acute or chronic.
First Response.
Platelets are first to respond to soft tissue injury.
Filled with Growth and Healing Factors.
PRP is packed with growth and healing factors. Platelets initiate repair and attract the assistance of stem cells.
Body's Own Healing Processes.
PRP release chemical mediators to attract more platelets on the injured area, intensifying the body's natural healing processes.
Natural Pain Reliever.
PRP not only repairs the injured site, it can also alleviate pain.
PRP is autologous.
This means that the medium used for treatment is not made from substances extracted from plants, animals or synthetically made in a laboratory, the platelets are extracted from the patient's own blood.
Infection is Very Minimal.
After extraction, the blood is centrifuged to separate the platelets from other blood cells. The platelet is then injected directly to the affected site.
It is Non-Invasive.
No incisions, no opening of the skin, just a simple injection.
No Allergic Reaction or Rejection.
Since the platelets are gathered from the patient's own blood, there is not allergic reaction or trigger any immune response rejection.