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Updated by Felix Olsson on May 13, 2015
Felix Olsson Felix Olsson
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Physics Resources Online

Using this list as a means of keeping track of, and sharing, physics resources online. Apps, simulations, useful software.

PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations

Learning experiences aplenty, here. I use them to demonstrate principles to students; I set guided inquiry tasks, homework experiments. These simulations have been very carefully conceived to demonstrate concepts with both clarity and accuracy, and they really hone in on students' misconceptions. Awesome resource.

Graphical Analysis for Windows and Mac > Vernier Software & Technology

Graphical Analysis 3 is an inexpensive, easy-to-learn program for producing, analyzing, and printing graphs. This is much more intuitive and effective for plotting data in physics than is excel. It allows for easy plotting of error bars, curves, etc. to your data. This is aw

If you already use the Vernier Logger Pro software with your dataloggers, there is no need for this programme, as logger pro does everything this does.