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Updated by Vaishnavi Kumar on May 09, 2015
Headline for Best Harry Potter Parody videos of all time
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Best Harry Potter Parody videos of all time

Harry Potter has captured our imaginations ever since the books launched and the movies came out but it has also captured our tickle bones with these following parody videos that have garnered massive number of views on YouTube. Here's a list of the best, most hilarious Harry Potter parody videos you can find on the internet!

Wingardium Leviosa (Harry Potter Parody) - Oney Cartoons

A Harry Potter Parody featuring Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Professor Severus Snape.

Harry Potter and the Magic of Puberty

Puberty has hit Hogwarts! New Harry Potter Trailer. Harry Potter and the Outcasts of Hogwarts that is.

Wingardium Leviosa 2 (Harry Potter Parody) - Oney Cartoons

A Harry Potter Parody featuring Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.

Harry Potter vs Voldemort Rap Original Short

Harry Potter vs Voldemort rap battle

Waka Waka Voldy Voldemort


Potter Rock Anthem [LMFAO Parody]

The Best Day Ever merges two great things: Harry Potter and LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem". Enjoy!

Justin Bieber "Boyfriend" Harry Potter Parody

Hilarious music video of Harry Potter and Hermione!

Harry Potter And The Ten Years Later - Episode One

In which we catch up with our hero just as he is fired, his wife pressures him into starting a family, and his best friends have split up. Meanwhile, a plan is put into motion... Watch the series Wired calls "a hilarious take on what might be going on in the lives of the Hogwarts alumni."