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Updated by Wanda W. on May 04, 2015
Wanda W. Wanda W.
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Friday Five

Weekly Inspiration for your weekend reading pleasure

To Work Well, Create Before You Consume

From time to time, I thought I'd tackle here some of my most oft-asked questions about blogging, writing, running a blog network, earning an income online, and managing that part of my life with all those other things. You know-raising kids, getting dinner on the table, exercising, having soul-filling alone time, dating my husband, and being a good neighbor and friend.

Why I Forgave My Daddy

Memories wrap around our souls like skin, reminding us - with every movement - of the pain inflicted, knowingly and unknowingly, by our fathers. That event he missed. The words he said. His actions louder than words. And we are often oblivious to the weight this record of wrongs has on our life.

Homespun Devotions

"Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God: Which made heaven, and earth, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth forever..." Psalm 146:5,6 (KJV) When I was just a teenager, Mom, Dad, and I moved from Ohio to the west coast of Florida.

Flower Patch Farmgirl: Love Like A Human

I spend an unusual amount of time thinking about love. Or, at least, more time than I used to. What does love look like? How does it act? Does it somehow achieve a balance of justice and mercy, or does it automatically fall on the side of grace? What exactly is love?

Woman's Moving Video About How God Brought Her Out of Tragedy

Tamara South is a beautiful woman who was dealt an incredibly rough hand at life. After facing one tragedy after another, Tamara had lost all hope...until she heard from God. God bless you Tamara! Thank you for sharing your story!