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Updated by John Huh on Dec 14, 2021
Headline for Best Things to Say to Someone Who is Depressed
John Huh John Huh
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Best Things to Say to Someone Who is Depressed

Depression can be dangerous for the individual suffering but heart breaking for those who love them and consider them friends. Whenever anyone we or care for is stressed out and in the funk of depression, it can be hard to find the right words to help.

Because you aren’t the actual one affected, it can be difficult to understand how to communicate your concern in the right way. Saying the wrong thing is not what you want to do, but you want to help. But many times, the best thing to do is to be there and listen to what they are going through. Because most of us aren’t trained professionals regarding depression or depressive disorders, we can become anxious or uneasy and struggle with what to do.

So here are just some of the things you can say to help your loved one, and it isn’t a top ten best things to say to someone who is depressed article for everyone. You should always use some judgement in considering what to say, should you attempt to cheer them up by pointing out things that aren’t bad? provide guidance? or help them let go or forget?

When in doubt, always demonstrate care and be present for their suffering while they endure. Be patient and caring for what your friend is going through, and try not to judge should you feel compelled.

Someone that is depressed might want to be left alone, some may not. But being there and listening will not be forgotten no matter what the circumstances.




Offer reassuring words and make sure they know they aren’t alone. Try not to judge but connect by sharing that you too might feel the same way in the same scenario.

Most things that cause severe depression are serious and can’t just be fixed no matter how much you want to. However your love and care can alleviate your friend’s pain and if nothing else help him or her through this dark period of time in their life.

I know you don’t want to feel so bad, but I feel as though it’s justified for you to feel this way.




Be compassionate and show your care.

I’m sorry you are going through so much and having so much pain


Change the surroundings

Get out and try to change the surroundings and alter their mood and help them take their minds off things.

Let’s go to a movie together, I discovered three movies that may help take your thoughts off things for just a little while.



Show them you know how serious it is, and try not to take their situation lightly or any aspect of it.

Having a hard time thinking about what to say or do? Think back to a time when you might have struggled with something or a loss during your life.

Make sure to keep in mind that your situation isn’t exactly the same but rather, think about what you were going through at the same time.

I can’t imagine how difficult this is for you, however I can tell this serious and want to help you



Make sure they are physically going to be okay, and do something thoughtful that they might enjoy. Even if they don't take it, the gesture will not go unnoticed.

You might not feel like eating anything, however just in case, I cooked some food for you and can leave it in the fridge for you later if you want.


Hug 'em!

Hug 'em!

Give them a hug!

I’m so glad to see you today, do you want a hug?


Hang out

It doesn't have to involve talking about the situation, or even doing anything at all. Help them by letting them know you are there for them.

We don’t have to do anything or talk if you don’t want to, want to just hang out and read a book or watch some television?




Try and help them in any way but don't over do it.

I know you aren’t really feeling up to it, is there anything I can help you with around the house or with any chores?


Make them something

Don't be afraid to express your creative side and make something for them, even if you don't think it's very good. Be understanding if you don't get a positive reaction, and try to present it in a way that won't upset them further.

Something made is often times better than something purchased because there's a real personal connection there in the gift that represents your relationship. If all else fails however, a small trinket from a general store is a good fallback option.

I bought / made you this, I hope that you like it and maybe we can try it out.


Show that you are a friend.

Show that you are a friend.

Be human, be calm but most of all be a friend. Don't be afraid to show your vulnerable side either, as it may help them open up about what's going on and how they are feeling.

I don’t know exactly what to do or say, but I just want you to know that I care and want to help you get through this.

It's definitely not a guideline by any means, and I hope this helps you and your loved one through the hard times, it’s certainly something I’m very familiar with.

Have a suggestion or tip on some of the Best Things to Say to Someone who is depressed? Leave me a comment below and let me know!