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Updated by Christopher Hoffmann on Jul 13, 2023
Headline for St. Louis Car Accident Injuries
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St. Louis Car Accident Injuries

St. Louis automobile accidents can result in many different injuries ranging from minor to severe. Make sure your legal rights, including compensation for medical bills and time off of work, are protected. CALL (314) 361-4242 to schedule a free consultation with a car accident lawyer at our St. Louis law office.

Cervical Spine Injuries After an Automobile Accident

Unfortunately, these injuries are often serious and life-altering. In this post, we will discuss some common cervical spine injuries, including the fracture, subluxation of the neck. Although the neck is protected by muscles, it can easily get damaged in a high-speed car accident.

Car Accident Injuries

St. Louis Wrongful Death Attorney While monetary compensation cannot replace a loved one, it can help alleviate many of the day-to-day problems confronted by families of a wrongful death victim. Nothing affects a family more than the unexpected death of a father, mother, child or other relative.

Car Accident Herniated Disk Surgery

Back injuries after a car accident can be difficult to diagnose at first. Doctors may dismiss back pain as a symptom of your other injuries until the right diagnostic tests are performed. Car accidents can cause serious injury to the soft tissue of the back and spine which often leads to painful conditions that will not show up on an X-ray.

St. Louis Wrongful Death Attorney

Nothing affects a family more than the unexpected death of a father, mother, child or other relative. The void left by this sudden death can seem impossible to fill. If one of your family members was killed in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, you deserve compensation for your emotional and financial losses.

Ongoing Medical Care After a Car Accident

After a car accident, you hope that the injuries you have sustained will heal and you can resume your life as it was before a negligent driver crashed into you. This is the result for the majority of car crash victims, but for those who sustain a permanent disability as a result, the lifestyle they loved will be lost forever.

Unable to return to Work after a Car Accident

If you have been left disabled after a car accident, it is important to know your rights for pursuing compensation. If the accident was the result of negligence on the part of another driver you are entitled to recover all of your economic damages. This includes the loss of a livable wage in the future.

St. Louis Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain injuries and spinal cord injuries are two of the most catastrophic injuries that can befall a motor vehicle accident victim. Not only is the accident victim usually unable to enjoy life and perform routine tasks, but if the injury causes permanent brain damage or paralysis, the long term treatment costs may be in the millions.

Car Accident Involving a Child Passenger

Parents of newborns and young children tend to worry excessively over possible threats to their child's safety, which hopefully never happen, while one of the biggest threats to a child's safety is sitting in the driveway. More babies and children die from the injuries caused by a car accident than from any other potential accident.

Car Accident Neck Injuries

Neck injuries are one of the most common types of injury associated with car accidents in the United States. If you or a loved one has been involved in an auto accident it is important that you seek medical attention immediately. Even a seemingly minor accident can cause damage to the neck and spine.

Types of Damages in a Car Accident: Death

Losing someone you love in a car accident is one of the most painful experiences you might ever have to endure, especially when the accident was caused by another driver's reckless disregard of others on the road.

Occupational Rehab After a Car Accident

If a you have been temporarily or permanently disabled in a car accident that prevents you from resuming your normal lifestyle, our law firm can help. There are special programs and therapies designed to help people recover from these types of catastrophic injuries that may be applied as part of your car accident claim.

Car Accident While Pregnant - Auto Accident During Pregnancy

In addition to the damage to the car and her own injuries, a pregnant woman must also consider the possibility of injury to her unborn baby. If you are pregnant and are involved in an auto accident, you should seek medical attention immediately.

St. Louis Fatal Car Accident Attorney

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 2,000 people are killed in car accidents in Missouri and Illinois each year. Many of these fatal car accidents are caused by negligent drivers who failed to drive safely or who got behind the wheel intoxicated. If you lost a loved one in a car accident in St.

Determining Future Medical Bills after a Car Accident

Some people are able to walk away from a car accident unscathed, while others are permanently disabled for life. With so many variables in car accidents, it is impossible to predict the severity of an injury or how long the recovery time will be.

Lost Income - Lost Wages - Missed Work due to Car Accident

Medical expenses and damages to your car are not the only financial burdens you will be left with after a car accident. When you are involved in a crash that was caused by another driver's negligence the wages you lost as you spent time recovering can also be included in your car accident claim.

Catastrophic Injury Attorney St. Louis - Missouri Injury Attorney

A catastrophic injury is described as an injury that causes a permanent functional disability or death. It can be a severe injury to the spine, spinal cord or brain. If you are a victim of a catastrophic injury due to a car accident, you need a skilled attorney on your side to ensure full and fair financial recovery.

Herniated Disc - Pinched Nerve - Car Accident Attorney

The back trauma sustained in a car accident will often cause a herniated disc injury. Symptoms of these types of back injuries may not show up for days, and the MRI needed to detect them is not commonly ordered by emergency room physicians.

Whiplash Attorney St. Louis

Neck injuries are a common injury associated with car accidents. They can range in severity from soft tissue injuries to more serious nerve and spine damage. Whiplash is one of the most common types of neck trauma. Thousands of individuals suffer from whiplash injuries every year.

Determining Future Lost Wages after a Car Accident

Obtaining compensation for your missed time at work is fairly cut and dry, but trying to determine how much money you are potentially losing in the future can be complicated by many factors.

Work Restrictions Due to a Car Accident Injury

Your employer is under no obligation to keep you under their employment if a physical or mental disability from a car crash is affecting your job performance. Our St. Louis Law Firm can help you pursue compensation from the at-fault driver for your loss of income.

St. Louis Child Car Accident Injuries Attorney

Millions of Americans are seriously injured in car accidents each year. Many accident victims are vehicle passengers such as young children, teenagers or the elderly. If you are a passenger who was seriously injured in a car accident, or if you are a parent whose child was seriously hurt, speak to an experienced St.

Auto Accident Lawyers - Common Eye Injuries in Car Accidents

Article titled Auto Accident Lawyers - Common Eye Injuries in Car Accidents. The Hoffmann Law Firm, L.L.C. presents helpful information regarding St. Louis, car accidents.

St. Louis Car Accident Injury – Radiculopathy and Spinal Injuries

If you have suffered nerve damage as a result of a car accident injury, consult a St. Louis car injury attorney.

Undiagnosed Traumatic Brain Injury – St. Louis Automobile Wreck Law Firms

Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may not appear until days or even weeks following a car accident. Early diagnosis can help prevent complications.

Obesity and the Risk of Auto Accident Injuries – St. Louis Car Crash Law Firm

Obesity has an adverse effect not only on your health but on your safety as well.