Listly by Pali Madra
Free fonts that can be used for creating personal signatures which helps in building stronger personal branding.
Download 18 free fonts in the signature category for Windows and Mac
We have 9 free signature fonts to offer for direct downloading · 1001 Fonts is your favorite site for free fonts since 2001
Font styles are used in every design projects to make those unique and looking smart than others. There are many types of fonts available to support your design works, one of those is handwriting scripting fonts which are cursive style fonts.
Create Your Own @font-face Kits by uploading the fonts you want to use.
There are plenty of sources available to find free high quality fonts that you can use in your apps and web projects. However, it can sometimes happen that even after checking hundreds of fonts, you're not able to find the perfect font that you were looking for.
Both freeware and premium.
The best web font generator. I'm surprised as to why more people do not use this tool as custom web fonts can be generated for use on website and have complete control over typography.
*Should be tried once atleast. *
FontStruct. Build, Share, Download Fonts
FontForge is free and open-source outline font editor.