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Updated by Fiona Beal on Apr 23, 2015
Fiona Beal Fiona Beal
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Useful Microsoft posts for teachers this week #3

THis is a collection of Microsoft-related posts I have noticed this week that could be useful to teachers

How to Use OneNote at School: 10 Tips for Students & Teachers

It makes it easier to think during class—and I'm doing less busy work. Stephanie is just one of the 950 students at Sammamish High School in Seattle who have taken wholeheartedly to Microsoft OneNote along with their teachers. Across the country in Ohio, teachers gave their students 'blizzard bags' when schools got closed for bad weather. These…

How to create a survey using Excel | Office 365 Ninja

If you need to create a survey, form, or questionnaire, Office 365 has you covered. You can use Excel Online to create a survey with a shareable link that saves responses in a back-end spreadsheet, allowing you to analyze your data however you wish. The video above will show you how to create a survey,… Read More

21st Century Learning at the South Elementary » 5th Graders use Video Messages to Learn about Africa

Great use of Skype! '5th Graders use Video Messages to Learn about Africa' Each student chose a country in Africa that he/she wanted to research for an upcoming project. In order to obtain primary source information, we used Skype Video Messaging and YouTube Videos to connect with students and teachers all over Africa.

Seven steps for creating mixes that students will love

This post says: 'Congratulations! You decided to use Office Mix for your recorded lessons rather than investing in traditional video-making equipment includes screencasting software, pen annotation, interactive whiteboards, high-end microphones, video cameras, recording software, and compositing/editing software. But that's just the start. Below are seven steps for creating video-based lessons that will help you create mixes that engage your students' minds and attention:"

How Technology Radically Changed our School (for the better)

Appleby College in Oakville, Ontario Canada was named as a Microsoft Showcase School for its innovative use of technology.  As part of the promotion of our school by Microsoft, they sent us a few questions to answer summarizing the impact the use of technology has had in our classroom.I'm presenting the answers in their raw form, and I want to thank Cal Armstrong of Appleby College for putting the bulk of the response together.  I can assure you that the answers represent what Appleby is currently doing. They are not aspirational - destined for some time in the future

SchoolNet SA - IT's a Great Idea: Microsoft tools competition “Use IT – Share IT – Like IT” for South African Teacher...

We have exciting news for you. As of today Microsoft and SchoolNet will be launching a competition for teachers who are using one or more of the Microsoft tools mentioned below as part of their teaching.

Sammamish High School—six months of OneNote Class Notebooks - Office Blogs

Sammamish High School is a public, neighborhood high school serving 950 students in a diverse suburb of Seattle. Students come from 53 different countries and speak 42 different languages. On the second day of school we distributed laptops with digital ink capacity to all of our students. We’re now six months into using laptops and OneNote Class Notebooks.

Download Help Guide

Download the Office Help Guide. This is a must have guide for teachers. Add life to your PowerPoints
What is Office Mix?, Getting started: Tips & Tricks, How To: Create a slide recording, How To: Create a screen recording, How To: Use Interactive content, Export options, Upload to Mix , Office Mix best practices , Slide Recording: tips & tricks

'2-minute' Tip - How students can use OneNote to Quiz Themselves

This is a quick demonstration on using the Linked Notes feature in OneNote to create a self-checking quiz based on the students own research and content. Lin...

  • Technology integration consultant working mainly with Schoolnet South Africa. Also a part-time technology teacher for Grades 1-8 and a curriculum writer. Love networking and all things technology! ...

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