Listly by Frank Abalos
Here are some facts about how embryo transfer and IVF works.
If initial fertility treatments such as fertility drugs or surgery fail and you decide to move forward with IVF, your ob/gyn will refer you to a reproductive e...
Embryo transfer is a simple procedure that follows in vitro fertilization (IVF) and is often considered the simplest and final step of the in vitro fertilization process. The objective of embryo transfer is to facilitate conception following fertilization from the in vitro fertilization procedure.
When you're trying to conceive through in vitro fertilization (IVF) you'll probably hear plenty of ideas about what you can do to boost your chances for success. We asked our experts to separate the myths from the facts.
Embryo transfer takes place after eggs have been collected and fertilised in the laboratory. Depending on your situation between one and three of the best quality embryos are selected and then transferred to the woman's womb. An embryo must successfully attach itself to the wall of the womb for pregnancy to begin.
In vitro fertilisation or fertilization ( IVF) is a process by which an egg is fertilised by sperm outside the body: ("in glass"). The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman's ovulatory process, removing ovum or ova (egg or eggs) from the woman's ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a liquid in a laboratory.
EBCOG therefore supports the use of assisted reproduction, recognising that it has brought relief to many millions of infertile couples in Europe and around the world. The aim of treatment should be to maximise the chance of a live healthy baby being born.
Frozen embryo transfer (FET) has been making some headlines recently as a successful practice for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Frozen embryo transfer is when a previously frozen embryo is thawed for implantation through IVF. The embryo can be either the couple's or adopted from another couple.
ISIS Fertility is Canberra's most caring provider of a broad variety of fertility services. We work with you to develop an appropriate treatment plan.