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Updated by Jakub Prószyński on May 26, 2017
Headline for Podsumowanie Tygodnia 7.04 - 13.04.2015
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Podsumowanie Tygodnia 7.04 - 13.04.2015

Polska parodia trailera 'Szybkich i wściekłych' robi furorę. Również za granicą. Jest wszystko: duży fiat, stodoła, t...

Ponad półtora miliona wyświetleń - takim wynikiem może pochwalić się Cyber Marian. To on zrobił polską, 'wiejską' wersję zwiastuna filmu 'Szybcy i wściekli 7'. Film 10 kwietnia wchodzi do polskich film.

'Humans of New York' photo of a girl named Beyoncé brought out the best commenters

Growing up is tough. And it's even tougher when you have a famous name. Take it from a girl named Beyoncé, for example. The shy student was photographed by Humans of New York on April 4 and shared her story of growing up under the shadow of the famous Mrs.

Snapchat Replaces "Best Friends" With Friend Emojis, Adds Low-Light Camera

It was always weird that Snapchat exposed who you snapped with most in the " Best Friends" list, so today the app is ditching that for a new private way to see who you're closest to. Only you will see these new Friend Emojis on your screen of incoming snaps.

Madonna to Premiere New Video on Meerkat, Forgets Tidal

Madonna the Millennial is upping her social media game to the next level. Not satisfied with having premiered her last music video, "Living for Love," on Snapchat Discover earlier this year, the Queen of Pop has announced that her next video will make its debut on the internet's premier music outlet: Meerkat.

Ad of the Day: Chevy Frightens and Amuses Real People in Great Focus-Group Ads

Even the best prank ads can sometimes leave you wondering: Were those real people or actors? That isn't a problem in Chevrolet's entertaining new campaign, which includes what so many other prank campaigns with real people bafflingly omit-big, blaring on-screen text confirming these are indeed "Real people.

Na tę funkcję czekali użytkownicy Twittera. Niektórzy nawet nieświadomie

Twitter właśnie ogłosił wdrożenie nowej funkcji, która nie tylko usprawni sposób komunikacji, ale podniesie poziom bezpieczeństwa i zapobiegnie szeregowi manipulacji w serwisie społecznościowym. Słowo wstępu dla niewtajemniczonych: Na Twitterze rozróżniamy trzy główne typy wiadomości: tweet, retweet i DM. Tweet to zwykła wiadomość, której adresatem są inni użytkownicy Twittera.

VML Poland z marką Milka / Z branży - Portal PR

VML Poland z marką Milka W wyniku wygranego przetargu, VML Poland odpowiać będzie za adaptację globalnego konceptu kampanii equity dla marki Milka. Agencja zajęła się przygotowaniem koncepcji adaptacji najnowszej aktywacji marki realizowanej na kilku europejskich rynkach. Do zadań VML Poland będzie należało przygotowanie platformy internetowej oraz filmu internetowego.

Multiple Promoted Tweets In A Single Ad Unit

When advertisers want more solutions and placement options for their products, social media networks listen and implement. Twitter is the latest social media network to offer a new feature for advertisers and we're sure it will be met with success. Also Read: Tinder Welcomes Its First Ads Twitter has just debuted a new format that allows...

Mcgarrybowen created the spot, which is called "the endless road" and breaks on TV in the UK today (7 April). The ad opens with the Honda car driving along a winding mountain road. The camera zooms in and the same scene is repeated over and over as the voiceover explains, "the road to better never ends".

A Man Named Burger Is Marrying A Woman Named King And Burger King Is Paying For The Whole Thing

Sounds like it's going to be a WHOPPER of a celebration. Sorry.

YouTube Trends 03.2015

Comiesięczne raporty YouTube Trends opracowuje od lipca 2014 r. Sotrender. Sotrender to pierwsza w Polsce firma badawcza specjalizująca się w badaniach i analizach mediów społecznościowych, założona w 2011 r. przez doświadczonych badaczy internetu. Raporty opracowuje Sotrender Research Team pod kierunkiem dr Jana Zająca i dr Dominika Batorskiego.

Instagram brings more customization options to Android with Colors and Fade

Instagram has added Colors and Fade options to the Android app, ahead of iOS, which gives you even more customization options. As though there was any shortage of filters and options to change the look of your selfies or food pictures, Instagram has added two new options to the app.

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Ad of the Day: Honda Just Keeps Driving in This Hypnotic, Looping Ad That Never Ends

What better way for an automaker to communicate performance, longevity and a never-ending commitment to quality than with an ad that itself never ends? Honda and mcgarrybowen London have made just that for the 2015 CR-V, following up 2013's gold Lion-winning "Illusions" ad with another spot based on an optical illusion.

Hoop Cola dopinguje Wesołego Kierowcę na citylightach - Wiadomości - Marketing przy Kawie - praktyczne wskazówki, śmi...

Wesoły Kierowca z warszawskiego MZK otrzymał nieoczekiwane wsparcie od Hoop Coli. Hasła nawiązujące do niego i kampanii „Można inaczej" pojawiły się na citylightach w Warszawie.

5 Ways Brands Can Use Instagram's New Post Notifications | Simply Measured

Today, Instagram released a few new features, including a color tool and a fade tool in the photo editing interface. They also added the option for users to get notified when specific accounts they follow post something on the network: Introducing Post Notifications: Get notified when your favorite accounts post a photo or video.

Can't Kill Progress, czyli interaktywne widowisko na Twitchu

Producent i wydawca takich gier jak Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Hitman czy Deus Ex: Human Revolution od wczorajszego wieczora transmituje "przedstawienie" z żywymi aktorami. Jest to związane z zapowiedzią nowej gry, której tytuł mamy poznać po zakończeniu transmisji dnia trzeciego.

Jeszcze nie standard, a już oszczędza Internautom miliardy godzin czekania. Tym kodekiem chwali się YouTube

YouTube na początku tego roku całkowicie porzucił technologię Flash na rzecz playera HTML5, ale jest to tylko połowa układanki. Za drugą odpowiada efektywny kodek wideo. Google chwali się, że jego otwarty standard kompresji VP9 zyskuje coraz większą popularność. Korzyść dla widza jest bardzo wymierna - VP9 sprawia, że filmy 4K ładują się dwa razy szybciej.

Imgur Now Lets You Embed Images and Albums Anywhere

Imgur has been adding a slew of functionality to its platform recently and today it's introducing another feature that will be particularly handy for bloggers looking to share some GIFs and cute animal photos: embedded images. You'll now see a new embed link on Imgur posts (under 'Post Options') that'll provide you with some code you can paste onto your site.

Getty Images Eases Photo Curation with Pinterest-style Boards

Getty Images has launched Boards, a new feature that makes it easier to curate and share on its collection of more than 60 million royalty-managed photographs. Boards replaces Getty's traditional Lightbox functionality, and lets you collect images and share them with colleagues and clients without requiring them to sign in.

Google Will Shut Down Moderator On July 31

Google Moderator, a tool for crowdsourcing and ranking user-submitted questions for online and offline events, is shutting down on July 31. The service, which launched in 2008, survived various "spring cleaning" rounds over the years. It was occasionally used by the White House and featured prominently during the 2012 presidential election.

Facebook Testing Translation Tool?

Facebook appears to be toying with the option of allowing users to translate their posts into different languages.

The Free Stock Photos You've Been Searching For [New Download]

Finding the perfect free stock photo ... what a feeling! It's like finding a black pearl in an oyster, or like finding a golden Chachapoyan fertility idol in a booby-trapped Peruvian temple (hat tip, Indiana Jones). Why is it so rare to find a free stock photo that's the perfect fit for your blog post, email, or other piece of content?

Zlatan Ibrahimovic now has his own search engine

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a truly unique human being. Forget the astonishing numbers, stats, trophies and achievements of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. Zlatan is the only footballer on Earth who can honestly say he does things differently to anyone else. Dealing with referees, handling the press, performing acrobatic overheard kicks ...

Twitter Trends Marzec 2015

Raport Twitter Trends. Sotrender - lepsze decyzje w marketingu w social media. Analizy, badania, optymalizacja oraz dopasowane rekomendacje dla Facebooka, YouTube'a i Twittera.