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Updated by Fiona Beal on Apr 12, 2015
Fiona Beal Fiona Beal
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Useful Microsoft posts for teachers this week #2

This is a list of pots about Microsoft products that I have found very useful this week.

Run Presentations with Office Remote for Android

Microsoft quietly launched a new Android app that lets you control Powerpoint presentations on your PC over Bluetooth. Great news for conference presenters 'Microsoft’s new app lets you control PowerPoint presentations with your Android device'

Office mix for teachers

Office Mix for teachers is a collection of resources to help school administrators, teachers and student to get the most out of Office Mix.

SchoolNet SA - IT's a Great Idea: Come along to a 2 hour MicrosoftMeet for teachers in Cape Town in May…sign up today!

Linda Foulkes is organising a MicrosoftMeet at Bishops Diocesan College (65 Campground Road, Cape Town) on Saturday May 16th from 10:00am - 12:00pm. There is loads to share and learn with free Microsoft in Education Technologies. Sign up on Linda’s specially created Microsoft Meet Facebook page  The hashtag at the event will be #MSFTMeetSA

daily edventures | “Teachers are making the world their playground and their classroom.” – Lyneth Crighton, South Africa

“Teachers are making the world their playground and their classroom.” – Lyneth Crighton, South Africa. Anthony Salcito writes "When Lyneth Crighton first immersed herself – and her students – in technology several years ago, she was breaking new ground by using Facebook and Twitter in the classroom. She was miles ahead of many of her peers. Fast forward to the present, and Crighton is not only maintaining that lead, she’s bringing her colleagues along with her."

Creating Dynamic Lessons using Microsoft Office Mix

Tim Robinson from the Microsoft Office Mix team to demonstrates how easy it is for a teachers to create dynamic lessons. | TechEducator Podcast 84

Free Technology for Teachers: Office Lens - Digitize Handwritten Notes and Diagrams

Office Lens is a new app for iOS and Android (still in limited beta) designed for converting pictures of notes on whiteboards and paper into notes that can be edited in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. If you don't need to edit the notes that your take pictures of, you can simply export the file created by Office Lens to JPEG or PDF. 

Microsoft Word Lesson Plans to Wow Your Students

Computer applications teachers are always looking for new and exciting ways to teach Microsoft Word to their students. For each of these teachers, a common question is “Where can I find great Micro...

10 Pretty Awesome Things You Can do With PowerPoint — Emerging Education Technologies

When Used With Tact, These Techniques can Help to Make Your Presentations Fun and Engaging It’d easy to bash PowerPoint, especially given the poor uses we see all too often … plain boring slides with no personality, or worse yet

Microsoft in Education

Welcome to the official YouTube Channel. We will be posting all Higher Education and K-12 relevant content to this channel. On this pa...

SchoolNet SA - IT's a Great Idea: The Microsoft Classroom Roadshow in Cape Town – very enlightening for educators

Microsoft has been running a series of Microsoft Classroom Showcase Roadshows in four venues around the country. School leaders and educators were invited to participate in an afternoon showcase experience to demonstrate how Windows 8 Tablets, Office 365, Microsoft Professional Development and other education tools and resources can help to transform learning

OneNote in Education - Office Blogs

Check out these OneNote in Education posts on the Office blog Loads of great ideas

  • Technology integration consultant working mainly with Schoolnet South Africa. Also a part-time technology teacher for Grades 1-8 and a curriculum writer. Love networking and all things technology! ...

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