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Updated by M Jesús García San Martín on Oct 10, 2017
Headline for CLIL e-Publications for Bilingual Primary Education
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CLIL e-Publications for Bilingual Primary Education

Blogs and Sites of the e-publications designed by the Master's Degree students at URJC, showcasing their evidence of learning about The Use of ICT and Digital Resources in Primary Bilingual Education.
February - May 2015 Edition.

3,2,1... Time to be healthy!

CLIL e-publication by @Nora_LomasG

Across the music

A CLIL e-publication by @utopicmarta

Animals, animals, ANIMALS...

A CLIL e-publication by @asersantos

Bring Arts closer to children

Bring Arts closer to children!
By @teacher_marga


Chef of volume is the name of the e-Publication by @Marta_pmonte, inspired by a task where students have to make sandwiches of different geometric shapes. It is designed for third grade of Primary Education to learn about some mathematic content throughout a cross curricular approach

Creative Writing

An e-publication by @MonMejOr

Cultivating knowledge

Epublication by @a_morenomer

Discovering new planets!

A CLIL e-publication by @estefaniablanch

Enjoy festivals!

A CLIL e-publication by @MakyGormaz

I Love sports!

I love sports!
By @NatyArcos16

In ICT we trust

In ICT we trust.
By @teachwithtweet

Landscapes around the world

An e-Publication in order to teach Science through online activities to students from 5th grade of Primary Education.
By @Cristina__F_

Let's make learning fun!

Let's make learning fun!
By @reina_jimena

Let's Talk!

Let's Talk!
A CLIL e-publication for 3rd graders.
By @ABercovitz


The main objective of this epublication is make students learn about the planets by them building a new planet with the famous computer game "Minecraft".
By @martitagoca

Multiply Your Fun

Multiply your fun!
This Blog Has Been Created As An E-Publication For Students Of Third Grade Of Primary Education
By @elenabenitogonz

Music is Fun!

A CLIL e-publication by @koralinda27

OUR amazing BODY!

Our Amazing Body!
By @Begoag5

This is the blog I have created that works as the prologue of my ebook. I am working on it so students of Second Grade of Primary Education can learn about "The Body" in an interactive and engaging way.

Teaching with María

Teaching with María.
An e-publication by @maria_dauden

The connected painters

This blog has been created as an e-Publication for students of Sixth Grade of Primary Education.
By @MariaJLLopis