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Updated by Fiona Beal on Apr 23, 2015
Fiona Beal Fiona Beal
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10 great Google posts this week #11

After looking through all the Google posts that were shared to my various subscriptions recently, these are the ten that have caught my eye so far...

Create a Badge with Google Drawing

If you have thought of creating your own badges here are the steps Alice Keeler uses in Google Draw to create them. Create a Drawing From Google Drive create a Google Drawing. Resize the Canvas Use the File me...

Comprehensive Google Sites Overview

This video shows you how to create a site from scratch and briefly over all of the features of sites. It is a quick and short tutorial for students.

12 Ways Teachers Can use Google Classroom

Google Classroom which is less than a year old has managed to host over 30 million assignments turned in by teachers and students. This is a big sign that the tool is being widely endorsed within the education community particularly in the States. With this increasing popularity of Google Classroom, Google recently released some new updates to enhance its performance and make it more mobile friendly. The major update is the release of Google Classroom apps for both iPad and Android .

Educational Technology Guy: How to Migrate Your Data from a Google Apps for Education account to a personal account

How to Migrate Information from your Google Apps for Education Account to a personal Google Account.

Chrome Apps for Education

Chrome Web Apps are interactive webpages that run from within the Chrome Browser. Once added from the Web Store a shortcut is accessible from the New Tab Page and App Launcher. Many Apps link direc...

3 Google Drive Tools for Creating Professional-looking Diagrams and Flowcharts

We received a couple of requests from teachers asking for Google Drive add-ons to use with Google Docs to create and integrate diagrams and flowcharts. The first tool that came to mind is Gliffy for we have reviewed it here a couple of times but then we did a further search in Google Drive app store and picked two more to add to this list. For those of you looking for apps to create concept and mind maps in Google Drive, this selection is a good place to start with.

3 #Google #Chrome Apps for Leveled Reading (and much more!)

Chrome Apps for Leveled Reading
If you have followed this blog for very long, then you know that I am a self-professed Chrome Addict. I love it! I love the fact that I can customize it to fit my needs, but I love it even more because we can customize it t

How to turn any YouTube video into an animated GIF

This website makes it quite easy to turn any YouTube video into a GIF for your viewing and sharing pleasure. We'll show you how to pull it off.

Remotely Control Your Google Drive Presentations Using Your Smartphone

Presentation Remote is a Chrome app that allows you to use your smartphone to remotely control your presentations on Google Drive, Prezi, Scribd, Slideshare and Dropbox. Of course, to be able to do that you will have to have their app called De Modo installed on your phone. The app is free and is available for both iOS and Android. This post shows how it works:

We Did a Mystery Hangout...Now What? | Inquire and Inspire

A few months ago, my class embarked on a journey. We wanted to connect with the world. Using Google Hangouts, we did just that! Over the course of 4 months, we connected with learners and educators from Missouri, New York, Kamloops, Calgary, South Korea, and Switzerland. We have honed our geography skills and are now able to ask very clear questions in order to locate someone anywhere in the world all the way down to their school board and name of school. 
Now what? This useful post has ideas for ideas on how to take the next step after a mystery hangout.

  • Technology integration consultant working mainly with Schoolnet South Africa. Also a part-time technology teacher for Grades 1-8 and a curriculum writer. Love networking and all things technology! ...

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