Listly by Farra Trompeter
Here are a list of resources related to a training about empowering staff to be the voice of your nonprofit using social media.
There are no better champions for your organization's communication's strategy than your staff. Leveraging the networks and personal brands of your staff as champions can help your organization's communications strategy have more impact. With a few guidelines and a little training, employees can use social channels effectively in service of your organization's mission AND their own learning.
Over the past year, Sarah and I have been offering workshops to nonprofit CEOS, executive directors, and senior leaders on how they should manage social media for their nonprofits.
Connect with your friends - and other fascinating people. Get in-the-moment updates on the things that interest you. And watch events unfold, in real time, from every angle.
From Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn, nonprofits are flocking to social media, but not everyone is prepared for the challenges and ramifications of what you post--or how to manage the process. Who is allowed to tweet? Who can comment on your posts? How do you respond if someone says something mean about your organization?
Chances are your employees are already engaging in social platforms, so why not empower them as brand advocates? With the explosion of social media over the past few years it is now more important than ever to monitor and engage with your customers.
By Leslie Walbridge National Public Radio (NPR) has received quite a bit of attention for their social media recruitment strategy, featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and Nonprofit Quarterly, among others.
Mark Hrywna - February 28, 2014 "They might as well. RT @USATODAY: Roger Goodell says the NFL may eliminate extra points ..." You might think those Tweets are random grumblings from among the more than 500 million Twitter users. You'd be wrong. They're a sampling of some Tweets by nonprofit CEOs.
Published on Nonprofits are strapped for resources - staff time is minimal and marketing budgets are nonexistent. What are some creative ways that you can build buzz and spread the word about your nonprofit on the ... Nonprofits are strapped for resources - staff time is minimal and marketing budgets are nonexistent.
Organizations large and small from both the for-profit and non-profit sectors often cite their people as one of their brand's greatest assets. While some have taken steps toward empowering their team members as brand ambassadors offline, few have developed a digital strategy to arm employees on
While there are many social networks available to nonprofit marketers to increase cause awareness, site traffic, and donations, only one corporate account can exist on each network. This limits your reach to however many brand fans and followers you can generate.
Last week, I presented on the topic of "Bringing Social Inside" through Nonprofit Webinars. I developed the presentation because I believe that successful social media strategy and implementation must also have certain supportive foundations inside the organization. The core components are staffing, budget, a supportive culture, and some basic social media policies.
"How experienced is my staff at using social media?" I get this a lot from senior marketers and communication folks. They want to know how experienced the staff is at using social media tools. It's tough for senior staff to gauge this because they don't use social media as much as the younger staff.
It's obvious that your social media presence and your in-person presence are two very different things. When you engage online, you can curate your posts, time your interactions, edit your photos, and create the experience that you want. Even though the online you and the offline you are different, there is still a lot of overlap.
Do you want to build stronger relationships on social media? Do you know where to start? Engaging with your social audience on a meaningful level, helps humanize your brand. In this article you'll find nine ways to make your brand more human on social media.
Today I presented on a "featured session" at the United Way Community Leaders Conference in Grapevine, Texas. The conference theme was "Working Together in the Era of the Individual." I facilitated an interactive featured session on why and how leaders should be engaged on social as well as other insiders (employees, board, and volunteers).
Marketers worldwide will spend nearly $575 billion on major media vehicles in 2015 in the race to the customers' wallet.With reams of data, hours of analysis and elaborate strategies, the customer is the grand prize that every business is chasing after in a bid to grow bottom lines as well as to
TNT Social Media Guidelines - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
If you want to get the word out about your nonprofit, you need to have a strong public relations strategy. Good PR is what will help you spread the word about your cause, attract more activists, build trust with donors, and keep your organization growing so you can continue to do what you do best.
Lots of professionals share content - like articles, blog posts, and presentations - on social and professional networks to strengthen their professional brands. And lots of companies share content on social and professional networks to attract talent, and market and sell their products and services. But relatively few companies recognize
Technology has altered the way to connect and cultivate professional relationships and it is also transforming how leaders lead. Social media thought leader Charlene Li has published another book titled " The Engaged Leader: A Strategy for Your Digital Transformation " that provides organizational and business leaders with the skills and path to habit change they need to lead in a connected world.