Listly by michas 78J
Here are some places you can go if you find yourself in a drug addiction jam.
Here is a list of specific websites such as social media and others:
You might have made the mistake of taking drugs. The thing is, so have many others. Because of this there are many places to get help to stop addiction. This is a list of those places. If you need help don't be afraid to reach out. People will understand.
Here are the general kinds of places:
-addiction treatment centers
-counseling groups
-social media
-help phone numbers
Here is a list of physical places you could go in Mississauga and Toronto:
-First Medical place: Queensway
-Trillium: Queensway and Hurontario
-Muli-Specialty Walk in Clinic: Queensway and Hurontario
-Pinewood Medical center: Hurontario and Pinewood Trail
-Lakeshore Cawthra Medical Centre: Lakeshore and Caven street
-Ontario Addiction Treatment Centre: Main and Queen Street
-Peel Addiction Assessment and Referral: Dixie and Aimco Boulevard
-Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: College and Spadina Avenue
-Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
-Drug and Alcohol Helpline: 1-800-565-8603
-YMCA: 905-276-9322
-Freedom From Addiction: 1-800-241-3391
-Habitude: 905-523-8369
-Anonymous clubs