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Updated by devonl 78J on Apr 08, 2015
Headline for Drug Addiction Help Sources
devonl 78J devonl 78J
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Drug Addiction Help Sources

The following list contains five sources people who require help with drug addiction should utilize. It also contains a few pictures.
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Drugs & Addiction : How to Help Drug Addicts

Helping drug addicts begins by assessing their readiness for change, as they will go through four stages of change, including pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation and action. Guide drug addicts through this hard time in their lives with information from a licensed mental health counselor in this free video on drug abuse.

Home | Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868) is Canada's only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

Mississauga, Ontario rehab program, drug treatment centers for drug addiction

Drug Rehab Services is a no cost referral agency in Mississauga and all over Ontario and Canada for drug and alcohol addiction. Calling us is free of charge at 1-877-254-3348.


This is someone who is using drugs.

This is someone who is using drugs.

This is someone who isn't using drugs.

This is someone who isn't using drugs.
Mississauga Drug Rehab

Many different drug rehab centers can be found in Mississauga. Here is a website with several of them.

Effects of Drug Abuse and Addiction

Drugs are chemicals. Different drugs, because of their chemical structures, can affect the body in different ways. In fact, some drugs can even change a person's body and brain in ways that last long after the person has stopped taking drugs, maybe even permanently. Here is a list of ways drugs can affect you physically and mentally.

We serve people concerned with their own or someone else's involvement with alcohol or drugs. We provide detailed assessments and case management, as well as individual and group counselling. A wide variety of acceptable treatment models are offered, including harm reduction. Specialized services for the East Indian community.