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Updated by David James on Nov 15, 2024
Headline for 15 Digital Storytelling Tools
David James David James
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15 Digital Storytelling Tools

Engaging, multimedia-rich digital stories can capture the attention of students and increase their interest in exploring new ideas.
Combining storytelling with powerful digital creates a truly authentic learning experience that helps students develop a wide range of intellectual skills.
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Pixton Comic Maker - How it Works

Pixton empowers the world to communicate graphically with comics.
Pixton introduces the world to Click-n-Drag Comics™, a revolutionary new patented technology that gives anyone the power to create amazing comics on the web.
From fully posable characters to dynamic panels, props, and speech bubbles, every aspect of a comic can be controlled in an intuitive click-n-drag motion.
Winning over 10 prestigious awards, Pixton Comics was named a “leading Web 2.0 pioneer” and “one of the 20 companies driving innovation and changing the way we use the Internet” by Backbone Magazine / KPMG.

GoAnimate for Schools Demo

About Us
Making a Video Shouldn't Be a Drag. It Should Be Drag & Drop.
GoAnimate's mission is to enable businesses, schools, and individuals to make videos — quickly and easily.
Videos could and should be everywhere. Businesses use them to explain complex topics, train employees, or just show their soft side. Teachers and students use them to exercise higher-order learning skills, such as creativity and critical thinking, in the classroom. Individuals use them to make their friends laugh, better visualize their favorite song, or just say, “I miss you” to someone special.
What's the problem? Making a video is hard. People perceive it as one of those black-box processes they can't even wrap their head around. If they think it through (most mentally run screaming before even getting this far), they think it's going to take a long time, cost a lot, and be really, really hard.

Animoto - Make & Share Beautiful Videos Online

About Us
Animoto makes it easy to create professional-quality videos on your computer and mobile device. At our core, we believe that video is the most powerful way to communicate what you care most deeply about—whether that’s your family, business, or a cause—and that making videos shouldn’t be limited to only those with technical know-how and expensive production equipment.

How to use Bubblr

Bubblr is a community where people can create comic-strips (photonovels) using photos from flickr, just taking a sequence of pictures where you can add bubbles and create a story. All stories are saved in the archive.

How to use

PicLits is a creative writing site that matches beautiful images with carefully selected keywords in order to inspire you. The object is to put the right words in the right place and the right order to capture the essence, story, and meaning of the picture.

Getting Started with Smilebox!

What We Do
Our mission is to transform the way people share life's moments, by empowering them to connect in creative ways that bring joy into every day.
Smilebox is the new way to reach out online to the people you care about, with special messages that are richly layered and full of celebration, appreciation, or whatever you want to share. It all comes together to surprise and delight your recipients in a way that goes far beyond email, texting, or even a phone call.
Our diverse variety of formats, themes and styles includes 1000+ Collages, Invitations, Cards, Slideshows and more, allowing our customers to find their perfect fit for holidays and birthdays, wedding day or any day. Smilebox is here to help people celebrate life's big and small moments, and share their creation in any way they choose.

WeVideo: Collaborative Cloud Video Creator

WeVideo makes online video editing fun and easy. Create your videos with our free video editing tool. Collaborate with others or even edit on the go with our mobile apps. We give you the storytelling tools. You tell your story. Try it for free
About Us:
WeVideo’s story begins in 2007 with the Norwegian company Creaza. The company’s mission was to provide an online creative toolbox for children, to be used both in school and at home. By 2010, this technology was in use by hundreds of thousands of children across ten European countries. Inspired by its success in the educational market in early 2011, Creaza’s investors decided to spin out a new company called WeVideo. Its primary focus is on video creation and expanding the technology to U.S. and global markets.

Capzles Classrooms Overview Video

Capzles creates rich multimedia experiences with videos, photos, music, blogs, and documents.
Help us create a new version of Capzles, built specifically for teachers and their students. Since we launched in 2008, we have grown to over 100,000 users, mostly comprised of teachers and their students.

Creaza Cartoonist Tutorial

About Creaza:
Creaza is the leading global educational toolbox for the creative expression of knowledge and skills in the classroom and spare time. We empower educators and students with the technology to create movies, cartoons, mind maps, presentations, soundscapes and much more.
The story begins in 2007 when great ideas emerged into one great solution for learning and education. Creaza AS was established as Norwegian based company with a global market. The company’s mission was to provide an online creative toolbox for children, to be used both in school and at home.
Facts and figures:

  • More than 600 000 users from all over the world
  • More than 500 curriculum - based exercises
  • 30 built-in themes with content
  • Available in 9 languages
  • Used by thousands of schools
  • Online toolbox - no installation
ACMI - Generator

About the Project:
Generator is a creative studio space, a space where you can explore the moving image, be inspired, create your own moving image works and share your creations with the Generator community.
Generator won Best Overall Website and Best Education Website at the Museums and the Web 2011 Conference in the USA. Generator was also a finalist in the 17th AIMIA awards and 2010 eLearning Industry Excellence Awards.

Make Beliefs Comix Tutorial

Dear Friend,
I envisioned MakeBeliefsComix as a place for you to come to and have fun by creating your own world of comic strips. My hope is that by giving you a choice of characters with different moods and the chance to write words and thoughts for them, you will tap into your creativity and explore new possibilities. After all, there is no greater force in life than the power of the imagination to free us from our immediate problems and to spur our energies to find solutions to our befuddlements.

The purpose of MapSkip is to create a weave of stories about the places in our lives. Users are invited to create a free account and to mark up places in Google Maps with their own stories and photos. Users can browse each other's stories and can rate and discuss them.

Slidestory lets you create your very own slidestories & podcasts?
Create a Slidestory in 4 steps:

  • Drag and Drop your images onto the program
  • Record audio for each image
  • Add a title, description, and some tags
  • Click the PUBLISH button

Smories is an exciting, independent and free online channel for kids (3 - 8 years old) to watch great new stories being read by other kids. It is also a place for children's story writers (published and unpublished, professional & amateur) to get their work published online, whilst retaining all rights.
We got the idea for during an extremely long journey in a very dirty Land Rover from the Kalahari desert in Botswana to Cape Town in South Africa in February this year.
Our kids have always loved reading to each other and are transfixed when other children read them stories. They are also obsessed with the internet and will make their way to youtube any time they get their hands on a computer.

We thought a website that had a continuous flow of new stories, read aloud by kids, would make a healthier destination than so much of the stuff out there. Imagine you're stuck in traffic and need to keep a miniature person entertained in the back. Download a playlist of smories
stories on your i-phone and voila...


ZooBurst is a digital storytelling tool that lets anyone easily create his or her own 3D pop-up books. Using ZooBurst, storytellers of any age can create their own rich worlds in which their stories can come to life.
ZooBurst books “live” online and can be experienced on your desktop or laptop computer, or on your iPad via the free ZooBurst mobile app. Authors can arrange characters and props within a 3D world that can be customized using uploaded artwork or items found in a built-in database of over 10,000 free images and materials.
ZooBurst authors can share books with readers using a simple hyperlink, and books can easily be embedded in any website or blog, allowing authors to provide their own contextual framework to their stories. Authors can also maintain a moderated discussion forum for each book, providing a virtual space in which readers can interact with one another.