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Updated by Mark Isero on May 02, 2016
Mark Isero Mark Isero
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We need to listen more to teachers.

One month before graduation. “Now what?” by Michele Godwin

Family meeting week, the last of my advisees’ high school careers.

Concert-Going Tiger Nikes, by Marni Spitz

 Last week I did something few teachers do on a school night: I went to a concert.

I'm Grateful for the Education, by Michele Godwin

Four of 15 advisees are out today. J is putting her mother into hospice care, but the others are just taking the day off, I guess.

“You got some nerve! Hold on to that!” by Michele Godwin

“It’s portfolio season, and seniors are freaking out.”

My Teacher Box, by Marni Spitz

“The first year you’re a teacher is the hardest year ever for countless reasons, but the thing that I think makes it the hardest is that you don’t have your teacher box just yet.”

Teachers can’t win an argument with a student, by Dave Keller

“ I learned another valuable lesson this week. Don’t argue with students. Care about them. Work hard with them. But don’t argue with them.”

“Did you get the books yet?” by Michele Godwin

A busy day in the library: C is here, along with two other ninth graders who come with her. New friends! Each of them turn in multiple books and check out multiple others. Then they hang out and look at what’s on the shelves. They’ve been here every lunch the past few weeks. I think it’s their safe space.

Some Days Leave a Mark, by Dave Keller

"Sometimes when you get hit, the blow leaves a mark. This day left a mark."

“All parents love their children." By Michele Godwin

"My love for [my students] is the only thing that keeps me sane."

Staying positive and getting a grip: Rocky defeats the Russian. By Marni Spitz

"Teaching, especially these precious first weeks, is hard enough when everything is going smooth. You gotta be a tough cookie to not get bogged down by all the negative minutiae. But there I was, Week Two, not channeling my inner tough-cookie, and feeling eerily similar to the helplessness I felt my first year teaching."

"They need lots of extra love this year." By Michele Godwin

“All of you are writing a personal statement. All of you are shooting high, and all of you are applying to college because all of you have what it takes to get a college degree.”

Despite the disappointments, I love the start of school. By Dave Keller

Today is the first day of the new school year. I love beginnings. The start of the year is so much fun. I've got dreams for my students and my classroom.

“I’ve got too much pride. I don’t want help." By Michele Godwin

“That’s what you’re for,” he says to me. “You’re going to help me get into college. I don’t need another stranger in my life, getting all up in my business.”

Student T reminds me of the youth in Victor Rios's book, Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys. Michele's posts are always must-reads: well-written and poignant.

School lunch revolution in Port Townsend, by Benjamin Dow

"This February, in what felt like an overnight makeover, everything was suddenly different about our school lunch program."

This is a feel-good story about what can happen when a community gets together, works extremely hard, and does something right for kids.

I Share. Do Students Care? by Dave Keller

"If students are unfazed by a person’s sexuality, does it matter if teachers are out?"

I say yes, it does! Thanks, Dave, for this post.

Letters of Rec and Looking Deeply, by Trevor Gardner

This is where I can write stuff of my own. My little blurb, my curation notes. Right? Listen to what Trevor says.

But what I realize more and more is that the most crucial thing I can do to equip myself with the “armed love” that energizes me to do this work year after year after year, is to look deeply at the incredible young people who surround me for seven hours per day – and genuinely see them for their best selves.

Helping Sonia and Other Struggling Readers, by Dave Keller

Every year I have countless conversations with the frustrated parents and counselors of students like Sonia. Everyone wants to help the Sonias of our school get better grades, but few have found a way to help these struggling readers. This year I’m trying a few new things in my classroom and am having some limited success.

I appreciate many things about Dave's post, especially his focus on students and teaching practice. Dave is going to be writing much more for TEACHER VOICES, and I hope that you follow him.

"I Want to Make It Big," by Michele Godwin

A conversation among students:

Senior #1 to Senior #2: “But I want to make it big!”

Sophomore, who didn’t hear the first part of the conversation: “You want to make what big?"

The Power of Teaching The Bluest Eye, by Marni Spitz

Had my selfishness created a magical reading experience? Note to self: Why yes, it most certainly did.

  • My lists are about reading, teaching, and technology. I'm the founder of the Kindle Classroom Project and an instructional coach in the SF Bay Area. @iserotope |

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