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Updated by Jakub Prószyński on May 26, 2017
Headline for Lektury #47
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Lektury #47

Time-Saving Templates and Tools for Social Media

A list of time-saving templates, tools, techniques, and hacks to help you get more done on social media and your blog.

Powrót DOOH przyszłości, czyli jak już wkrótce będzie wyglądać Digital Signage - NowyMarketing

Już za kilka lat, dzięki rozwojowi technologicznemu, reklama DOOH będzie jednym z najciekawszych i dających największe możliwości nośników reklamowych. Oto kilka przykładów z krajów, gdzie już tak jest. W Polsce DOOH to ciągle raczej niszowa forma reklamy - najbardziej odważni szacują, że stanowi ok. 1 proc. ogólnych wydatków na reklamę.

The 29 Rules Of Social Media - And Which Ones To Break

How did you end up learning the unwritten rules for social media etiquette? For me, it was a lot of watching and waiting, a bit of experimenting, and tons of trial and error. When I first started out on social media, I had just the most basic rules and intuitions.

7 Strategies To Achieve Great Things On Social Media

"How cool would it be to have 1 million Facebook fans?" This is how I tend to go about setting social media marketing goals. I pull an aspirational number out of the air and go for it. Would it be cool to have 1 million Facebook fans? Absolutely!

How to Build and Manage your Twitter Community With

This article has been updated, September 2014 We all lead busy lives and managing your social media channels is a good way to use up what little time we have. There is no doubt that one of the most powerful social networks at the moment is Twitter.

5 Things To Make Your Facebook Experience Great Again

Facebook is great for talking to old friends and being embarrassed by your family. But with all the bloat and growing friends list, it's time to start pruning your feed. There was a time, oh so long ago, when Facebook was awesome.

No, Facebook Organic Page Reach Is Not Dead

AUDIO VERSION: I also recorded an audio version of this blog post. Click below to listen. Let me know if this is something you find helpful!] Want to drive lots of website traffic? Report on the death of a celebrity before it's true.

Case study: How influencers can cut through social noise

In a world where consumers are overloaded with information, thrown at them from every angle, brands find themselves having to rethink their traditional global marketing strategies. The ever-saturated consumer marketplace is forcing them to think more creatively about how best to achieve the all-important cut-through and engagement with consumers.

Battle of the Brands: Which Famous Rival Company Has Better Marketing?

Ba da ba ba ba, I'm lovin' it. We can instantly identify their logos. We can hum along to their jingles. We're on a first name basis with their mascots. We can repeat their slogans as mantra. How were big brands like McDonald's able to attain such a ubiquitous status?