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Updated by Aprende INTEF on Oct 22, 2018
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Herramientas de evaluación


Usa Plickers para comprobaciones rápidas de lo que están aprendiendo tus alumnos. Para Android y iOS


Teachers, try ! Students love the positive feedback and learn much faster. Plus, now you can instantly message with parents!

iRubric: Home of free rubric tools: RCampus

iRubric is a comprehensive rubric development, assessment, and sharing tool. Designed from the ground up, iRubric supports a variety of applications in an easy-to-use package. Best of all, iRubric is free to individual faculty and students. iRubric School-Edition empowers schools with an easy-to-use system for monitoring student learning outcomes and aligning with standards.

Kahoot! | Game-based blended learning & classroom response system

Kahoot! is a classroom response system which creates an engaging learning space, through a game-based digital pedagogy. Kahoot! is an easy-to-use blended learning platform which works on any device, making the classroom interactive, encouraging both educators and learners to ask great questions.

QuizBean | Quickly Create Online Quizzes For Free

QuizBean is the easiest way to create and share online quizzes with your friends. It's totally free, so what are you waiting for? Make your first quiz!

blubbr. Youtube quizzes allows people to play and create video trivia games about the things they love. blubbr is all about making the things you're interested in into fun, social games.

Rubricas de evaluación en el aula y CoRubrics

Presentación realizada para la ponencia "Rúbricas de evaluación en el aula y CoRubrics" para el curso "Cultura Evaluativa" del CEP de Málaga

RubiStar Home

RubiStar is a tool to help the teacher who wants to use rubrics, but does not have the time to develop them from scratch.




is the universal way to recognize, share and celebrate achievement in any setting. Give and earn credit, credentials, or digital badges that matter.

ONLINE CHARTS | create and design your own charts and diagrams online

Con la opción radar se crean dianas de evaluación.

Rubricas de evaluación en el aula y CoRubrics

De Rosa Liarte, presenta la herramienta CoRubrics

26 Teacher Tools To Create Online Assessments

Need to create online assessments for a flipped classroom or for a blended learning environment? Here are 26 tools to get you started.