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Updated by Ian Anderson Gray on Mar 05, 2015
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Most Popular Seriously Social Articles

A list of the most popular articles on social media from Seriously Social


7 Reasons why you should NOT use Hootsuite

There are lots of great things about Hootsuite, but his article aims to talk about the reasons why you might not want to use it! The title of this post may sound a little provocative, but aim to be constructive in my criticism. Hootsuite will be the right product for a lot of people- maybe even you. If so, please let me know why in the comments below. As I said, I’ve used Hootsuite for many years but I use it very rarely, this is because of some big issues that I have encountered. These are deal breakers for me and they may be for some other people.

4 Reasons Why You Should Not Buy Followers | #SeriouslySocial

What’s more important, 10,000 fans or followers, or 100 who will actually engage with you? It seems this question isn’t asked too often by a number of people running social media channels who opt to buy their followers in order to boost their numbers.
Let’s be honest for minute, who hasn’t wanted to boost the number of followers or fans they have? I remember taking the decision to create a new Twitter account solely for my business, and having to start from scratch. It was easy to try and compare the number of followers I had with others in my field and get depressed.

Build Your First Twitter App Using PHP in 8 Easy Steps

In a previous article I explained the steps involved in setting up a developers account at Twitter and registering your first app- making this as easy as possible. Well, it's time to get your hands dirty and actually build that app! If you're not a developer, don't worry- I plan to make this as easy as possible.
If you’re not a developer, don’t worry- I plan to make this as easy as possible. I passionately believe everyone should have the chance to play with this stuff and free their data.
I do make a few assumptions, however- you’ll have a website and be able to upload files to it (preferably via FTP) and your website should have the server side language PHP running. If you have a WordPress website then the answer to these questions should be yes. If this isn’t the case, then I hope there is something you can still learn from this article.

Stop Saying Thank You on Social Media and Say Something Meaningful!

In this article I am going to tell you to stop thanking people. Have I gone mad? I'll tell you why... I’ve been blogging for over two years now and it’s encouraging to see a lot of people sharing my articles. Some of these people share straight from my blog using one of the social networking share buttons, or from my RSS news feed in Feedly or perhaps on the blogging network, Triberr. I am extremely grateful to these people and I do try and respond to as many of the people who share my articles to say thank you. But why?

How to Transfer Your Facebook Friends to Twitter & Other Networks [Bookmarklet]

One of the most popular articles on my blog has been " How to Migrate your Facebook Friends to Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn ". It showed a way to export your Facebook friends to other social networks such as Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Here is a bookmarklet that can help.

7 Reasons Why You SHOULD Use Hootsuite

A review of Social Media Management Tool Hootsuite- 7 Reasons why you Should use Hootsuite. Just over a year ago I wrote a post entitled "7 Reasons NOT to use Hootsuite". It is one of my most frequently visited posts, but it was a little one-sided. I now share reasons why you might want to use the most popular social media management tools.

How to Register a Twitter App in 8 Easy Steps | #SeriouslySocial

One of the reasons that Twitter is so popular, and become what it is today, is due to the huge number of developers who have built apps over the years. Why so many developers? Basically because Twitter has been very easy to work with.

10 Must Have Social Media Tools for Small Businesses

If you run a small business, one thing that you probably don't have a lot of is time. You don't want to spend a huge amount of time learning how to do what you want or find the best tools to achieve your goals.

Do You Know the Twitter Limits? Spam, followers & following

You may be new to Twitter, or you may have been using it for a long time and hit the famous “2000” limit. Most social networks have limits in place for the number of people you can “friend” or “follow”. For example, Google+ currently has a limit of 5,000 people you can have in your circles, and you have a limit of 5,000 “friends” on Facebook. This is to stop people, businesses or automated programmes from abusing the system.

How to update Twitter and Facebook with your Google+ posts

Ever wanted to post to Twitter or Facebook (or LinkedIn) from Google+? It’s certainly a cool feature, although I’m not a massive fan of posting to multiple social networks at the same time. There are many ways you can post to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networks all at the same time. However this is missing the fact that Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are very different social networks. For example, do all your friends on Facebook really want to see all your Tweets as Facebook updates? Do your LinkedIn contacts really want to see your Facebook updates?

How to become a Social Media Guru in 20 Steps

In this article I am going to share with you the 20 Steps on how you too can become a Master Guru of Social Media! Remember- this is very much a magic art- so keep this to yourself. DON'T share this article with anyone else! Are you ready to start your path to awesomeness?

7 Reasons NOT to use Sprout Social

With more and more businesses seeing the power of social media to market themselves, social media management tools such as Hootsuite and Sprout Social* are being seen as vital. A Social Media Management Tool ( SMMT) or Social Media Management System ( SMMS) allows you to manage multiple social networks from one dashboard and potentially share and delegate tasks amongst a team.

12 Steps to Launch your Podcast with SoundCloud

Thinking of launching a podcast? Do you have a podcast already? Have you thought of hosting your podcast on SoundCloud? Although there are a few disadvantages when compared to the likes of LibSyn, there are some big advantages in using SoundCloud.

10 Tips to Make Your Computer More Secure

In contrast to just ten years ago, computers and smartphones are intergral to almost everyone's lives. We use them in our workplace and at home- and often there are multiple computers in all our houses. Then there are our smartphones which are basically computers.

Tools to Display Tweets at an Event

A friend of mine recently asked me if I knew of any tools that would allow him to display tweets on a display (on a TV screen, digital projector or monitor). I knew there must be many tools out to this as I have seen tweets displayed at quite a few events I attended in the past.

8 Steps to Build Brand Awareness with Short Domains

Your business may have a number of social profiles- Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn. As well as promoting your own content (such as videos, articles or products) you've seen the importance in sharing other people's content so that you are seen as a "go to" source of quality and interesting content in your sector.

Tools to keep up to date in Social Media & Tech

I was reminded in the comments that Google Reader has long been gone, and that I'd forgotten to update the article. How ironic! Well, never fear, because Feedly is your Google Reader replacement, and it has its own IFTTT channel. So, whenever you read "Google Reader" in this article, substitute it with "Feedly"!

Stop being a Robot- Be Authentic with Responsible Social Media

How honest can you be online? How honest should you be? Is transparency a good thing? How about authenticity? Is honesty and transparency the same thing? How do these come into play when you are marketing your business? I discussed these very topics with the wonderful Ralph and Carol Lynn Rivera on their Web Search Social Podcast recently.

10 Funny & Thought Provoking Videos on Social Media & Technology

We sometimes need cheering up and to see the lighter side of tech, social media, seo and the internet. Here are some videos to do just that!

How to find out when you joined a Social Network

I've been looking over the social networks that I am a member and checking the details of each one. I'm making a note of the username and password (using the fabulous password service, LastPass), checking that my details are correct and updating and optimising my profile.

20+ Tools that will turn you into a Twitter Power User | #SeriouslySocial

There's no denying it, I'm a Twitter fanatic and have been since Twitter launched. One of the reasons that Twitter became so popular was due to the number of 3rd party apps that were created to help manage your Twitter account. Here are 20+ tools that will turn you into a Twitter power user.