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Updated by Jane Boyd on Nov 06, 2015
Headline for About the Current Child Care Situation in the East Kootenay Region
Jane Boyd Jane Boyd
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About the Current Child Care Situation in the East Kootenay Region

Government of BC Child Care Search Map

Using this search tool, you can search for licensed group child care and licensed family child care by town or city. You can also narrow the available choices by applying various search filters.

Interior Health - Child Care Inspection Reports

This site allows you to search inspection information for child care programs that are licensed by Interior Health.

  • Jane Boyd


    Writer, Marketer, Collaborator, Connector and Entrepreneurial Early Learning & Care Educator/Consultant
    Jane Boyd is a highly connected & visionary leader who builds local & global community — face to face and online. She builds engagement, nurtures collaboration and role models social generosity with intention every day — in life and business. Through 45 Conversations, Jane consults with key stakeholders to address issues related to education, community, business & work-life.

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