The comedy-drama Girls is a show that follows the lives of four twenty-somethings living in New York. However, that's where its similarity with other sitcoms ends. This show has been lauded for its raw nature, humor, and refreshing tone, applauding Dunham's more realistic portrayal of women and their relationships than mainstream media tends to present. Here's a list of some of our favourite characters from the show.. Feel free to vote for your favourites!
Jessa Johannson
Jessa on Hannah's choice to leave New York: “You’re pussying out on this whole thing. The thing that we’re all trying to do, which is make it work regardless of location, right where we are.”
// Ep. 1, Season 4
Adam on Hannah's sulking timeframe: “You don't know Hannah. She’ll stay in there until we have a new president. She’s stubborn as f**k and likes to be in a bed a lot.”
// Ep. 5, Season 4
Elijah on women in the entertainment industry: “What do Judy Garland and Lady Gaga have in common?” Marnie: “They’re both white?” Elijah: “No, they’re both bad bitches who don’t give a f**k what people think.”
// Ep. 1, Season 4
Marnie (to Desi): “We're building a future together, a musical future together. So why the f**k do you still have a girlfriend who isn't me?"
// Ep. 3, Season 4