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Updated by Kayla Federowski on Mar 03, 2015
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Current Education Topics

Do Schools Give 'Equal Grades for Equal Work'?

Home > School Issues Channel > Archives > Assessment > School Issues Article When is a B really an A? When you live in a school district with high academic standards and tough grading policies, according to some Connecticut parents who want their kids to get more A's.

Improving School Environments Through Green Cleaning

Switching to organic cleaners can create healthier school environments for students and staff.

Have Computers Forced Handwriting Out of the Picture?

Computers have demoted the second of the three Rs, some educators say. Instead of teaching the loops and swirls of cursive letters, teachers point students to the letter r on the keyboard. Not all educators and handwriting experts agree on whether or w...

Why Teach Current Events?

Why bother teaching current events? The research indicates that a regular dose of current events has a multitude of benefits! Included: Activity ideas and Internet resources for teaching current events!

Homeschooling and Charter Schools Growing, Give Families Options

(Courtesy, The Heartland Institute) Our education system is broiling with two major, conflicting trends: Centralization and school choice. The most rapidly growing trend is the explosion of growth over the past decade of enrollment in charter schools and homeschooling. Homeschooling has been growing by 7 to 8 percent for the past decade, according to the latest data from the Census Bureau.

Help! Homework Is Wrecking My Home Life!

As many (all?) students will tell you, the amount of homework assigned has reached an all-time high. Never before have students had as much homework as they do now. Students have long railed against homework; are they right this time? Just how much homework is too much?

Does Inclusion Help or Hurt Students?

The philosophy behind inclusive schools is that all children have the right to be educated with their peers in regular classrooms in neighborhood schools. The question is, can it be done? Read what teachers who have done it say about the reality of inclusive education! December 4-8, is National Inclusive Schools Week.

The Best ADHD Medications: Treatments for Adults and Children

ADHD adults and parents of ADHD children share the best ADHD medications and treatments that worked to help them manage their symptoms. ADHD symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment information for adults and children from experts in attention deficit and learning disabilities like dyslexia.

Teaching Students with ADD / ADHD

In This Article If you're a teacher, you know these kids: The one who stares out the window, substituting the arc of a bird in flight for her math lesson. The one who wouldn't be able to keep his rear end in the chair if you used Krazy Glue.

The Misunderstood Face of Giftedness

In K-12 classrooms everywhere are children at risk for being misunderstood, medically mislabeled, and educationally misplaced. Not limited to one gender, race, ethnicity or socioeconomic group, they could be the children of your neighbors, your friends, your siblings, and even yourself. These at-risk children are gifted children.

Bullying Intervention Strategies That Work

"Bullying," according to noted expert Dan Olweus, "poisons the educational environment and affects the learning of every child." Learn what you can do to keep bullying behavior from poisoning your school. Included: Practic al tips for changing the behavior of bullies and their victims. In 1982, three Norwegian boys, ages 10 through 14, committed suicide, apparently as a result of severe bullying by their classmates.

ABC NEWS Zero Tolerance School Discipline Policies

On November 7, 2003 ABC World News Tonight aired an in-depth story on zero tolerance school discipline policies. The catalyst for the piece was Advancement Projects report: Derailed: The Schoolhouse to Jailhouse Track.

Teaching Empathy: Turning a Lesson Plan into a Life Skill

Worried about the shrinking presence of empathy in our schools? I know how you feel. With classrooms operating more like grade factories, it's hard to make the case for school-driven empathy. Faced with an endless cycle of memorize, drill, spit back and test, teachers have become the wardens of a new educational reality that pits the head against the heart.

Wire Side Chat: Enlisting Students to Make the Internet Safer

The potential dangers to young people using the Internet become more real every day -- yet, so do the opportunities for enrichment. iSAFE Inc. aims to help students understand and navigate online hazards, and encourages them to educate their peers as well. Included: Information about iSAFEs online safety curriculum.

Nancy Willard: Cyber Savvy: A Web 2.0 Approach to Internet Safety

Issues related to youth risk online and Internet use management are high on the “radar� in many schools. Following the lead of Virginia, many states also are beginning to require that students be instructed in Internet safety. Student use of Web 2.0 technologies is expanding, along with incredible opportunities for interactive educational activities -- and a host of risk and management concerns.

Social Media in Schools

I might be a little biased, okay A LOT biased, but I want to give you the 4 reasons why I think that teaching social media to our children in schools is not only necessary, but critical.

Take Kids Outdoors

Getting kids out in nature is more essential today given that children are spending nearly 8 hours a day using entertainment media and only 6 percent of children ages 9-13 play outside on their own. We are at risk of losing an entire generation's appreciation for how nature works and what it needs to remain healthy and productive.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Attending parent-teacher conferences is a great way to help your kids succeed at school. Here's what to do before, during, and after the meeting.

How Teachers Can Work With 5 Difficult Types of Parents

Erica Stevens* had a student in her ninth grade English class who excelled at creative writing but struggled with analytical writing. She avoided it by refusing to do her homework. Every time the student failed to submit a homework assignment, her parents pressured Ms. Stevens to give her a pass because they didn't want the missed assignments to affect her grade.

Student-Led Conference

This 12-minute video introduces the student-led conference with real-life examples featuring students from around the state. The video is designed for students to help them prepare for their own conferences. Courtesy of the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Student-Led Conferences Hold Kids Accountable

Teachers talk about the process and benefits of student-led conferences.

New Trends Stresses Fitness and Fun

New Trends Stresses Fitness and Fun Past Physical Education Many adults still dislike PE Some thrived in competition Some stil shudder at the word dodgeball Traditional PE Little activity to few students no guidence to lifelong skills and health Students feel unadqueate, turns them off New Generation stress lifelong skills and activities walking, biking, tennis, in-line skating educate about healthy diets Teach how to monitor themselves Change in Equipement Paula Kun, spokesperson for the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, a nonprofit professional organization for phys-ed teachers and professors, agrees that PE curriculums have to change.

Using E-Portfolios in the Classroom

For decades, students have been completing assignments in school. Often, these were seen only by the teacher, graded and returned to the student. Sometimes, the work was posted on a classroom wall or in a school hallway. Many teachers kept portfolios of student work for report card conferences, and the rare teacher taught students how to build their own portfolios from their work.

Is Ability Grouping the Way to Go---Or Should It Go Away?

Is Ability Grouping the Way to Go---Or Should It Go Away?

Is Differentiation the Answer to the Tracking Debate?

Max Fischer is taking steps to transform his classroom into the differentiated model Carol Ann Tomlinson describes, but he's confronting some roadblocks along the way. How different, he wonders, will his classroom might look like a year from now...