How good are you at finding, sifting, evaluating, making sense of and sharing information? These are the key skills of 21st Century knowledge work, they are the digital literacies of the day. Here we collect some great resources to expand on these themes.
Recently, I was talking with my wife about Working Out Loud and the book that I’m publishing later this year. After a few minutes, she bluntly asked me: “So, is it just blogging?” Now, that’s one o...
Recently, I was talking with my wife about Working Out Loud and the book that I’m publishing later this year. After a few minutes, she bluntly asked me: “So, is it just blogging?” Now, that’s one o...
Working out loud circles are small groups of people learning to work in an open, generous, connected way so they can each accomplish a personal goal. Over 12 weeks, through actual practice, circle members build a network of relationships with people who can help them with that goal. Here’s the first part of the Working
Content curation is the process of sorting through the vast amounts of content on the web and presenting it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific theme. The work involves sifting, sorting, arranging, and publishing information. A content curator
I'm Director of Online Learning at Performance Learning Group and I'm passionate about helping create learning experiences that work more like the web.
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