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Updated by Sam Burrough on Jun 26, 2016
Sam Burrough Sam Burrough
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Enterprise social networks

A look at how enterprise social networks are being used to facilitate social learning.

UNICEF's adoption journey through internal social media

Defined as the "Yammer guy" in his previous role as Community Manager at UNHCR, Décsey (pictured at right) truly believes Yammer has a huge potential to develop inside UNICEF. His enthusiasm for Yammer could serve as an effective model for other international organizations as simply-communicate recently discovered.

Who's using what for internal social media?

Over the years I've highlighted various examples of how companies are using enterprise social networks, collaborative tools and social media for internal communication. It's a question I get asked constantly - who's doing what, who's using Chatter/Yammer and what can I learn from them?

Socialogy Interview: Jane Bozarth

I read something about Jane Bozarth a few months ago, related to her most recent book, Show Your Work. I started to read some of her frequent writing, and realized quickly that I wanted to interview...

How IBM Uses Social Media to Spur Employee Innovation |

"Be yourself." It's one of the rules of social media. If you're blogging, tweeting or Facebooking for business, be real-or you won't be followed. Yet, how do you pull off "authentic" while maintaining the company brand message? It's tough enough for a small business.

How Humana got 26,000 employees to use an internal social network

When Louisville-based health insurer Humana set out to build an enterprise social network, like all companies, they saw the advantages inherent in this technology such as flattening hierarchies, solving problems quickly, encouraging innovation and building esprit de corps. But like all organizations they also knew that simply providing a tool for social interaction was not enough.

GE's Colab Brings Good Things to the Company | MIT Sloan Management Review

An internal social network at GE is mimicking all the good things that people get outside in their social lives with Facebook, says GE's Ron Utterbeck: quick responses, connections with people they know - and coordination with people they didn't even know were out there.advertisement How can a company as large and spread out as GE get its employees to quickly connect with who they need, find internal expertise and share knowledge?

Learning & Development in a Social Organization - The Yammer Blog

A look at how you might use Yammer (by Yammer) to support a variety of learning needs from executive onboarding to change management

Why No One Uses the Corporate Social Network

If leaders don’t use it, no one will.