Blended learning, guided social learning, structured social learning - whatever you call it designing experiences which build in online social learning activities can help improve learning outcomes, start good habits and help people practise key skills like reflection, critical thinking, search and curation.
You can't sign up for this anymore, but the outline gives an example of one way you can blend a wide range of different media and glue it together with online social interaction
Clive Shepherd's new book/company More Than Blended is offering a free taster to try their approach - it is a great way to explore the approach and learn how to design the More Than way. It's free and it's online, so there's absolutely nothing getting in your way.
As classroom training is gradually being replaced by e-learning I have watched as many people have become exasperated with this new experience - something which Nick Shackleton Jones clearly illustrated in a recent post. And yet at the same time, I also see how many are enjoying a very different learning experience on the Social Web.
A look at how Helen Blunden (@activatelearn) has developed a Guided Social Learning Program "It's now getting towards the pointy end in preparation to deliver the Work, Connect and Learn Program for Coca Cola Amatil and it's fair to say, that I'm getting quite excited."
The smell of change is in the air! Yesterday I read a post on TeachThought called 50 crazy ideas to change education and I tweeted it. Andrew Jacobs was on Twitter and he responded and the following conversation ensued: @C4LPT @TeachThought Was just reading that...inspiring me to think of similar for L&D.
I'm Director of Online Learning at Performance Learning Group and I'm passionate about helping create learning experiences that work more like the web.
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