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Updated by Samantha Montano on Aug 30, 2015
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Climate Change

News articles related to climate change.
The 7 psychological reasons that are stopping us from acting on climate change
You may have noticed: We can't act on climate change. Granted, very devoted people are in Lima, Peru, right now, trying to change that. But inaction has been the norm on this issue, especially in the United States.
No "Climate Refugees" in New Zealand
While a New Zealand Tribunal ruling in favor of a family from Tuvalu was heralded in the media as the first legal recognition of "climate refugees," Jane McAdam explains that actually the decision was based on purely humanitarian and discretionary grounds.
The Climate-Change Solution No One Will Talk About
The equation seems fairly simple: The more the world's population rises, the greater the strain on dwindling resources and the greater the impact on the environment. The solution? Well, that's a little trickier to talk about. Public-health discussions will regularly include mentions of voluntary family planning as a way to reduce unwanted pregnancies and births.
Is there a free-market solution to global warming?
There's a big partisan split on global warming in the United States. Democrats tend to believe it's a serious problem. Republicans don't. Check out the exit polls from the 2014 midterms: But where did this divide come from? Do Republicans just have an innate distrust for scientists? Is it cultural?
Why rich countries worry more about global warming than poor ones
Climate experts have long warned that global warming will have an unequal impact around the world. Poorer countries that are less well-equipped to deal with sea-level rise, heat waves, droughts, and other disasters will get hit harder than rich countries. Egypt will have more difficult time coping than the Netherlands: But who's actually more concerned about global warming?
Climate change protests: how do we turn placards into policy? - live Q&A
This weekend saw what's been called the largest climate march in history. From London to Dhaka and Delhi, an estimated 570,000 people in 161 countries took part in events to call for action ahead of the UN Climate Summit which starts onTuesday 23 October in New York.
This young mother's poem about her vanishing country stunned the world's leaders
Of the dozens of speeches by world leaders, advocates, and movie stars at the UN climate summit on Tuesday, none garnered as strong a reaction as that of the poet Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner. The 26-year-old from the Marshall Islands, a tiny Pacific nation, recited a poem she wrote for her 7-month-old daughter.
Just Another Climate Summit?
It's tempting to dismiss the United Nations climate summit that starts Tuesday in New York as nothing but an occasion for meetings, marching and platitudes. There'll be plenty of each, no doubt -- to say nothing of Leonardo DiCaprio's speech as UN messenger for peace on climate change, a treat for cynics of all nationalities.
On a Warmer Planet, Which Cities Will Be Safest?
Alaskans, stay in Alaska. People in the Midwest and the Pacific Northwest, sit tight. Scientists trying to predict the consequences of climate change say that they see few havens from the storms, floods and droughts that are sure to intensify over the coming decades. But some regions, they add, will fare much better than others.
Ethics missing in debate on climate change
As ice sheets melt and seas rise, ways of limiting climate change are frequently discussed - but the ethical issues climate change raises get much less attention. One of the key ones is whether policies to limit emissions may unfairly arrest progress in the developing world, where populations are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Scientists Trace Extreme Heat in Australia to Climate Change
The savage heat waves that struck Australia last year were almost certainly a direct consequence of greenhouse gases released by human activity, researchers said Monday. It is perhaps the most definitive statement climate scientists have made tying a specific weather event to global warming.
Cities Will Solve Climate Change, Not Nations
As world leaders gathered at the U.N. to talk about global warming, mayors set about actually doing something about climate change In the 1980s, the Chinese city of Shenzhen had some 300,000 mostly impoverished inhabitants. Today that city, the first to experience China's reforms and economic opening, has more than 15 million residents and also hosts another first in China's history-a carbon market.
A Burning Question: Propaganda & The Denial Of Climate Change (2012) | Watch the Full Documentary Online
Climate change has been hailed as "the biggest challenge to mankind in human history" and has also been called "the biggest swindle". Today many people are confused as to what climate change is and what consequences lie ahead for Ireland in the near and distant future.
Pacific island nations lead by example at UN climate summit | Al Jazeera America
As with Fiji, the Marshall Islands is already on the path to clean energy. After decades of the wide use of diesel generators, the outer islands now see 95 percent of their power come from solar energy. There are also plans afoot to develop ocean thermal energy strategies to further move away from nonrenewable sources.
In Maine, climate change is taking a toll - The Boston Globe
In a state with the highest percentage of forested land and a long, famously scenic coastline, where timber and fisheries remain at the heart of the economy, climate change has become an immediate concern. Heat waves, more powerful storms, and rising seas are increasingly transforming Maine -- effects that most climate scientists trace to greenhouse gases warming the planet.
Times Atlas To Print New World Map Without Tuvalu, Maldives, Manhattan etc - Telegraph Blogs
Following its controversial decision to produce a map suggesting that Greenland has lost 15 per cent of its ice cover in the last twelve years - a loss rate disputed by most credible scientists: and even, amazingly, the Guardian agrees on this - the Times Comprehensive Atlas Of The World has decided to take its [...]
Maldives cabinet makes a splash
The government of the Maldives has held a cabinet meeting underwater to highlight the threat of global warming to the low-lying Indian Ocean nation. President Mohamed Nasheed and his cabinet signed a document calling for global cuts in carbon emissions. Ministers spent half an hour on the sea bed, communicating with white boards and hand signals.
How to Talk About Climate Change So People Will Listen
Not long ago, my newspaper informed me that glaciers in the western Antarctic, undermined by the warmer seas of a hotter world, were collapsing, and their disappearance "now appears to be unstoppable." The melting of these great ice sheets would make seas rise by at least four feet-ultimately, possibly 12-more than enough to flood cities from New York to Tokyo to Mumbai.
Dear Future Generations: Sorry

An Apology Letter to Future Generations. To DIRECTLY Fight the Destruction and Stand For Trees go to: Music composed by DJsNeve...

What climate change sounds like from the Amazon to the Arctic

In 2013, the composition A Song of Our Warming Planet transformed 133 years of global temperature measurements into a haunting melody for the cello…

The subtle — but very real — link between global warming and extreme weather events

We need a new language to talk about this connection. But that doesn't mean we can't talk about it at all.

This has been a month of extreme weather around the world

WASHINGTON (AP) — Even for a world getting used to wild weather, May seems stuck on strange. Torrential downpours in Texas that have whiplashed the region from drought to flooding. A heat wave that has killed more than…

Adapting to climate change is going to be a lot messier than we think

The first rule of climate adaptation should be 'stop making things worse.' And yet, surprisingly often, we break that rule.

YouTube film-maker Finn Harries: my generation must save the planet

The internet generation is first to grow up with global warming and the last that will be able to do anything about it, says Finn Harries