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Updated by Shelly Sanchez Terrell on Feb 13, 2016
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30 Goals Cycle 6

30 Goals for Cycle 6: Inspire Forward (2015)


Goal: Support a Movement

To accomplish this goal, post about the movements you are participating in and invite others in your network to join.

Goal: Be Someone’s Champion

To accomplish this goal, support a colleague’s idea, vision, or ambition.

Goal: Send Them on Learning Missions

To accomplish this goal, transform an activity or task into a mission.

Goal: Go on an Epic Selfie Adventure

To accomplish this goal, take a series of selfies that show your memorable experience.

Goal: Build Your Teacher Survival Kit

Create a graphic or take a picture of your survival kit and share it on our 30 Goals Facebook Group or tweet it to @30GoalsEDU! 

Goal: Inspire Them to Inspire by Maria Theologidou

Get your students to choose a cause and create digital posters, infographics, or videos to raise funds or awareness! By Maria Theologidou, Greece!

Goal: Give Yourself a Pep Talk

On a Post-It note or memo pad write down positive statements to tell yourself when those negative thoughts come. Get students to do it!

Goal: Introduce Us to Your School by Hayfa Majdoub

Create a video or digital poster introducing us to your school! Goal by Hayfa Majdoub, Tunisia

Goal: Share Your Edtech Success Story by Sylvia Guinan

Blog about your edtech success!

Goal: Enjoy a Zen Moment

Spend 15 minutes to an hour less on a stressful task, such as grading, doing paperwork, etc. Use that time you saved to relax and rejuvenate yourself.

Goal: Inspire With a Graphic

Create an quote pic or infographic to inspire others.

Goal: Test the Power of Hashtags

Create a hashtag, get your students to initiate their own hashtag movements, or as a class create a hashtag movement. You could also support a current hashtag movement.

Goal: Rethink Classroom Management | Teacher Reboot Camp

Get your students to reflect on how different behavior choices impact others.

  • Shelly Sanchez Terrell is the author of, Learning to Go, and The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers. She has supported teachers and learners in 100+ countries F2F and virtually t...

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