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Updated by Claudia Corrigan D'Arcy on Oct 31, 2015
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Adoptee Rights Groups

In the USA, every state seals a person's original birth certificate if that person is adopted. I many states when the adoptee reaches adulthood, they are still denied access to their original legal documentation. Adult adoptees are the only class of person's restricted in this way. This is discrimination. Across the USA , groups of dedicated activists are working hard to propose new legislation to restore the adult adoptees civil rights.
Access Connecticut
We are incredibly pleased to announce that on June 6, 2014 Governor Dannel Malloy signed into law Public Act 14-133 (House Bill 5144), which restores the right of adoptees adopted after October 1, 1983 to access their original birth certificates upon reaching the age of 18. The bill is effective July 1, 2015.
Access Massachsuetts - Equal access to original birth certificates
Access Massachsuetts campaign to restore human right to adult adoptees to access their original birth certificates (OBC)
Adoptee Rights Coalition
We lobby state legislators while at the National Convention of State Legislators Summit. Each year more and more state reps favorably approach us. This year a few even stepped up to the plate seeking more information so that they may sponsor in their states.
Adoptee Rights Georgia
We are a grassroots organization made up of adopted adults, adoptive parents, birthparents, and other concerned persons who believe it is the right of all citizens to have access to their own record of birth. We are dedicated to passing legislation that will restore the right of adopted adults to obtain a copy of their own original birth certificates.
Home - Indiana HEAR
We are the voices of HEAR (Hoosiers for Equal Access to Records)-a group dedicated to equal access to original birth certificates (OBCs) for Indiana's Adoptees. Our goal is banish the secrecy and shame surrounding closed Indiana adoptions, by encouraging the Indiana State Legislature to end the legacy of the "closed records era" in this 2015 session.
Iowa Adoptee & Family Coalition | Iowa Adoptee Rights on Facebook
We are a Coalition of Adult Adoptees, Birth & Adoptive Family members joining together to change the Iowa laws restricting access to Original Birth Certificates (OBC) and to educate Iowans about adoption and searching.
To provide education and support to any Iowan affected by adoption, whether adult adoptee, birth family or adoptive family. To ultimately change the laws in Iowa allowing us access to Original Birth Certificates (OBC).
Missouri Adoptee Rights Movement on Facebook
A place where those who support Equal Rights for Adoptees in Missouri can connect and keep up to date with current events regarding adoption records.
To educate Missouri law makers and citizens on the importance of equal access for adoptees in the "Show Me" state.
Montana Adoption Reform 2015
Revise adoption laws related to release of birth certificates to adoptees. Bill HB397 will be introduced to the MT House; "Access to one's full identity matters for a variety of good reasons. All people deserve this right regardless of the circumstances surrounding their birth and childhood and regardless of any paperwork their parents signed. Everyone should be able to have a copy of their own original birth certificate."
NYS Adoption Equality
New York needs your help! Sign up for the NY Adoption Equality email list now. Most people do not understand the reality of how current legislation affects the lives of adult adoptees. Learn the facts now. One email, one letter, one call, even one share to your NYS legislator can really make a difference.
Pennsylvania Adoptee Rights
PAR believes those directly affected by adoption policy should be in the forefront of creating, evaluating, and implementing that policy. We believe that adoption policy should be based on the strengths--not the stereotypes or deficits--of the adoption community. Finally, we believe that community experience, human rights frameworks, research, practice experience, and history should inform every adoption...
STAR | Support Texas Adoptee Rights | Working to Restore Equal Access to Original Birth Certificates for Adoptees
Working to Restore Equal Access to Original Birth Certificates for Adoptees