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Updated by Jacques Fernandez on Feb 11, 2015
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Best Use Of Humic Acid

How to use Humic acid as fertilizer and how we can take advantage from Humic Acid to growth of soil.
Humic and Fulvic Acid in Cannabis Gardening
Humic and fulvic acid, generally formed via secondary synthesis actions, are essential to healthy plant development. The two related substances work to increase a plant's nutrient uptake and help to condition the soil, leading to a more efficient use of applied fertilizers and extending the life of your growth medium.
Humic Acid And Its Uses As Fertilizer
Humic acids are complex molecules formed by the breakdown of organic matters in soil. People think that humic acids are fertilizers but it is not so, it can be added to fertilizers to make soil better even if the soil is less fertile. Humic acids are not fertilizers but in fact, it is more of...
Why is Humic Acid so good to use in the garden? - Hygro Gardening Supplies
It enhances nutrient uptake, meaning you save money by spending less on fertilizers. It enhances soils depleted in nutrients and organic matter. Humic Acids promote proliferation of soil microorganics like beneficial algae, bacteria and fungi. Improves soil structure and prevents soil compaction. Increases water capacity in soil.
Humic Acid's Role in Improving Soil Quality and Plant Growth
The term "humus" dates back to the time of the Romans, when it was frequently used to designate the soil as a whole. It was later applied to the organic matter of soils and composts, or to different fractions of this organic matter; as well as, to complexes formed from a variety of natural organic substances.