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Updated by Craig Daniels on Dec 01, 2021
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10 Looks At How Mindfulness Boosts Creativity

Everyone can be creative, though finding it may take a bit of work and curiosity. Sure, there are those among us who seem to be in touch with curiosity and creativity virtually every moment (that's a myth), but don't walk away from the table thinking you posses no creative juice.

Taking up a mindfulness practice has been shown to have positive results in boosting creativity and engaging curiosity. Mindfulness seems to tap into that part of us that wonders about things. Can you remember as a child how everything seemed to spark your curiosity, how everything was shinny and new and you were thirsty to taste more?

Start practicing as little as 15 minutes a day of mindfulness and you'll start to see your curiosity reemerge along with creative and innovative parts you might never have known before. Just think how great it'll be to bring these forgotten skills to work and family time. Give it a good try for 3 or 4 months, you'll be glad you did.


The Brain Exercise That Boosts Creativity

Many corporations use meditation to help employees bring new ideas to the table--Shell Oil, Google, General Mills to name a few. I think it's also important for entrepreneurs to make meditation part of their daily routine.

Meditation strengthens cognitive control. The ability to concentrate is enhanced when meditation quiets other brain functions. After one of my 30-minute meditation sessions I find that I have a burst of creative and associative energy--I listen more acutely to my colleagues and am better able to synthesize disparate ideas into an action plan.

How to Boost Creativity Through Meditation

There is an ancient Zen story that relates to this. Two old masters were sitting side by side when one of them reached for a needle and began to mend some clothes.

“What are you doing?” Dongshan asked.
“I’m mending clothes.”
“How do you do that?“
“One stitch is like the next,” said Shenshan.
“What, after twenty years of practice – that’s all you can say?” said Dongshan
Shenshan put down his needle and turned to his companion. “Well then tell me. How do you sew?”
As though the entire earth were spewing flames,”said Dongshan

7 Ways Meditation Increases Creativity

Meditation is a doorway between our inner and outer worlds. Between “reality” (the seemingly solid world that we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch) and an elusive “something else” we sense beneath, between and beyond what those five senses can grasp.

Meditation offers enormous benefits for everyone, and a set of particular benefits for those who are engaged in a creative activity like writing.

10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently

Pretty much everyone has experienced a gut feeling -- that unconscious reasoning that propels us to do something without telling us why or how. But the nature of intuition has long eluded us, and has inspired centuries' worth of research and inquiry in the fields of philosophy and psychology.'

Intuition is challenging to define, despite the huge role it plays in our everyday lives. Steve Jobs called it, for instance, "more powerful than intellect." But however we put it into words, we all, well, intuitively know just what it is.

How to Increase Your Creativity in 9 Easy Steps

Who among us hasn't dreamed of discovering the next big thing or designing a breath taking product or at least solving a personal situation creatively and brilliantly. The problem is, most of us just dream about it. Unfortunately, there is a common myth that you are either born creative or doomed to a mediocre existence.

In Silicon Valley, Meditation Is No Fad. It Could Make Your Career

More than a thousand Googlers have been through Search Inside Yourself training. Another 400 or so are on the waiting list and take classes like Neural Self-Hacking and Managing Your Energy in the meantime. Then there is the company’s bimonthly series of “mindful lunches

Meditate Your Way To A More Creative Mind

There's great evidence that shows if you really work on a skill, the part of the brain associated with that skill grows. The mind is like a muscle. If you don't keep exercising it, it will atrophy."

Mindfulness at Work

Mindfulness is the art of learning to be in the present moment. So much of our time is spent worrying about the past or the future that we forget to pay attention to what is going on right now. Mindfulness is a way of "being" in the moment with ourselves, our sensations, reactions, thoughts and feelings.

Could Mindfulness Meditation Increase Creativity?

Ever struggle for hours to solve a problem - only to find that the solution was right in front of your face? I'm not just talking about math problems - but about our work, too. Sometimes, a little clarity helps clients make the leap from struggle to growth.

3 Ways to Boost Your Creativity

When the pace of things is fast and we have too much to do, we drain our inner resources --resources that are necessary for creativity. Stress is an energy hog that depletes our concentration, and it cuts us off from our best thinking. There's a whole bunch of brain science behind this.