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Updated by Lisa Johnson on Jun 09, 2015
Headline for Critical Ingredients for Curation and Creation
Lisa Johnson Lisa Johnson
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Critical Ingredients for Curation and Creation

These are workshop resources from my session entitled "Creating and Curating with Care"
TechChef4u Quotables
These images are from TechChef4u slides and presentations and are protected under a Creative Commons License: TechChef Quotables by Lisa Johnson @TechChef4u is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Hunger Games Lessons: "The Hanging Tree" is Not a Dance Song
Call me crazy, but I'm not going to dance to "The Hanging Tree" song. James Newton Howard's "Rebel Remix" of Jennifer Lawrence's rendition of "The Hanging Tree" (written by Suzanne Collins and published in Mockingjay in 2010) seems inappropriate. Every time I hear it on the radio, I have to turn it.
How sampling transformed music
Sampling isn't about "hijacking nostalgia wholesale," says Mark Ronson. It's about inserting yourself into the narrative of a song while also pushing that story forward. In this mind-blowingly original talk, watch the DJ scramble 15 TED Talks into an audio-visual omelette, and trace the evolution of "La Di Da Di," Doug E.
When You Need Permission to Sample Others' Music |
If you use samples in your commercially released music, you should get legal permission. The process of getting permission from the owners of the sampled music is referred to as "sample clearance." Failure to get the proper permission could lead to serious consequences: lawsuits or the inability to distribute your music to the public.
2 Live Crew, Weird Al Yankovic, and the Supreme Court on Parody
Lovers of offbeat music and hard-core rap would probably never use the names "Weird Al Yankovic" and "2 Live Crew" in the same sentence. Yet, they have something very important in common. The law protects their use of other people's musical works.
5 Things You Can't Copyright
In order to qualify for copyright protection, an original creative work must exist in tangible form-in other words, written down or in a form you can touch. At the same time, you may have something written down, that doesn't qualify for copyright protection.
Lessons from fashion's free culture
Copyright law's grip on film, music and software barely touches the fashion industry ... and fashion benefits in both innovation and sales, says Johanna Blakley. In her talk, she talks about what all creative industries can learn from fashion's free culture.
Watermark Photos FREE with the Best Watermark Tools
Looking to watermark photos free to protect your images? Here's a list of websites to watermark online, or download free watermark software. I hope you enjoy these free watermark tools - please add to the list and vote on the sites you've tried!
Reverse Image Search
Google Images. The most comprehensive image search on the web.
4 Best Practices for Ethical Content Curation - Part 2 of Content Marketing Done Right
My last post introduced you to the fundamentals of fair use and ethical content curation. Now that you understand the fundamentals, we're digging deeper into best practices of content curation to ensure that you're holding yourself to high standards of curation and avoiding legal issues. Here's an overview of four best practices.
The Art of Curation
Explore The Daring Librarian's photos on Flickr. The Daring Librarian has uploaded 8186 photos to Flickr.
Content Curation: The Art of a Curated Post [Infographic]
For content marketers that are looking to increase content production and save time, content curation is the answer. In addition, your audience will thank you for exposing them to new sources of 3 rd party, independent content. In fact, according to a recent study, best-in-class marketers use a content marketing mix of 65% created content and 25% curated content.
Yes, and......Curating Vs. Stealing
One of the biggest compliments we can give to someone is to share their work. When someone writes a great post I share it on Twitter, post it on my Facebook wall, or share it out on Google+. Sometimes I even go old school and email it.
25 Ways To Use Pinterest With Bloom's Taxonomy
Recently, I've been spending quite a bit of my time researching how to use Pinterest in the classroom in a way that is meaningful and relevant. I've posted a couple of articles about Pinterest before, and I've noticed that it is very popular among educators for both personal and classroom use.
12 Mistakes You Are Probably Making On Pinterest

By Andrea Eldridge for Pinterest is a fun way to create and share a visual, digital collection of the things you like, want to try or find appealing. It's images that link to webpages -- a mouthwatering picture of a pie takes you to the recipe, or an image of a scarf takes you to a blog post with a DIY tutorial.

How To Cite Social Media: MLA & APA Formats
Well, it's official, you can now officially cite social media sources in MLA and APA formats. Although this might not seem like a big deal, it is an important step in acknowledging social media as an important source of information for scholarly work. Of course, it warrants a discussion with students about when to cite...
The Danger of Using Creative Commons Flickr Photos in Presentations
Like many librarians I often turn to Creative Commons licensed photos on Flickr for use in my presentations and blog posts. Flickr makes it incredibly easy to search for photos with a Creative Commons license. Unfortunately it also makes it ridiculously easy for users to change the license on all their photos at any time with the click of a button.
Apps that Have Built In CC Image Search

Apps that Have Built In CC Image Search | Shadow Puppet Edu, Haiku Deck, Tackk, Adobe Slate, and Canva **

Finding Fair Use Photos: Teacher ResourceUse this Kahoot with students - discuss after each question. - Tackk
Search Tools and Labeled for reuse. When you use Google Search and select Images, use "Search Tools" to narrow down the results. Results can be narrowed down by size, color, type, time, and usage rights (Labeled for reuse is one of the options).
The Noun Project
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.