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Updated by Jon Samuelson on Oct 14, 2024
Headline for iPads - The Cure For The Common Core
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iPads - The Cure For The Common Core

A list of resources from my session at #IETA15 in Boise.
Common Core Standards
View the Common Core State Standards in one convenient FREE app! A great reference for students, parents, and teachers to easily read and understand the core standards. Quickly find standards by subject, grade, and subject category (domain/cluster). This app includes Math standards K-12 and Language Arts standards K-12. Math standards include both traditional and integrated pathways (as outlined in Appendix A of the common core) and synthesizes Language Arts standards with the Corresponding College and Career Readiness Standards (CCR's).
TechSmith AppShow
With TechSmith AppShow, our newest Labs experiment, we're exploring a different approach to content creation for people new to video editing. Instead of starting with a blank timeline, you begin with a storyboard. And instead of recording excess footage then editing it down to much shorter clips, you record just what you need.
Adobe Voice - Show Your Story
Voice helps you create stunning animated videos in minutes. No filming — just talk to tell your story. Pick from over 25,000 beautiful iconic images to show your ideas and Voice automatically adds cinematic motion and a soundtrack. Persuade, inform and inspire anyone online. Make an impact.
Shadow Puppet Edu
Easily create videos in the classroom! Students as young as five can make videos to tell stories, explain ideas, or document their learning. 30+ lesson ideas supporting Common Core make it easy to get started!
ChatterPix Kids - by Duck Duck Moose
Grab your camera! Let’s ChatterPix! Chatterpix Kids can make anything talk -- pets, friends, doodles, and more.
Simply take any photo, draw a line to make a mouth, and record your voice. Then share your Pix with friends and family as silly greetings, playful messages, creative cards, or even fancy book reports. And best of all, it’s FREE! AGES: 6-12.
Seesaw: The Learning Journal
Seesaw empowers students to document and share what they are learning in class. Teachers can setup a class and start using Seesaw in less than 60 seconds to:
MathChat - Homework help from friends for Math, Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Trigonometry or any subject
Instantly get math help from your friends! Solve any math problem with help from your friends. Simply snap a picture of your problem and start working together.


Chirp is a magical new way to share your stuff – using sound. Chirp 'sings' information from one iPhone to another. Share photos, links, notes and more: all from your built-in iPhone speaker. What will you chirp?
ipadsammy. 1,509 likes · 15 talking about this. Co-host of Techlandia Podcast and Co-founder of Write About. Find them @techlandiacast and @mywriteabout...
Jon Samuelson (@jonsamuelson)
Co-host of Techlandia Podcast and Co-founder of Write About. Find them @TechlandiaRadio and @mywriteabout on the Twitters. Always trying to learn & improve.
Jon Samuelson
Innovation Strategist for the Beaverton School District, host of the Techlandia Podcasts, fan of creative apps. Beaverton, OR ·
Follow @ipadsammy (Jon Samuelson) @tedrosececi (Alison Anderson) and @curtrees (Curt Rees) as they take you through the world of educational technology. Listen and get professional development on your commute to school. Things you can use immediately in your classroom, by teachers, for teachers.