When you host a Jekyll site on GitHub, it renders the site in safe-mode. This means you can't use any plugins enhance Jekyll's functionality and, more specifically, you can't write a Liquid tag that alphabetizes the site's tags.
What changed with Jekyll v1.5.1 if you want to build a multilingual blog. This post considers you're using Jekyll v1.5.1. It's an extension to my previous post from April 2013 in which I explained how I managed to build this English-French blog. There have been a bunch of new versions of Jekyll since.
Lorsque l'on souhaite écrire un blog nous avons plusieurs solutions. Le CMS tel que WordPress, la plate-forme hébergée comme Blogger ou bien créer un site personnel avec un framework. On oublie bien souvent les générateurs de blogs statiques.
This post introduces how to implement related posts function with Jekyll. Since GitHub disables plugin for security reasons, plugins like LawrenceWoodman / relatedposts-jekyllplugin cannot be used. Default site.related_posts may return recent posts when there aren't enough posts sharing the same tags with current post.
Pagination in Jekyll only works in an index.html file. If you have other pages in the root of your project folder (say, about.html, poems.html) pagination will NOT work in them. To have pagination work in another page other than your index.html, create a new folder for that page (say, poems/) and change what would have been "poems.html" to "poems/index.html". After that, your "paginatepath" in _config.yml should be 'paginatepath: "poems/page:num/"'.