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Updated by Subhraleena Deka on Sep 29, 2018
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Top 10 Scholarships for International students to study in UK

Monetary help is all we need sometimes to go abroad for pursuing our interests. It is important to remain updated in this field. Here is a list of a few scholarship for international students who aspire for a UK degree.

British Chevening Scholarships

British Chevening Scholarships
One of the most prestigious... It has options of full funding or partial funding.

Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Schemes

Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Schemes
The government in collaboration with many universities has a bunch of shared scholarship which may provide part or full funding based on the quality of the applicant.

Commonwealth Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries

Commonwealth Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries
A full funding Scholarship program which only a select few are lucky enough to avail.

Westminster Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships for Developing Country Students

Westminster Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships for Developing Country Students
Especially for Masters courses, this scholarship is from the University of Westminster.

Aga Khan Foundation Scholarship Programme

Aga Khan Foundation Scholarship Programme
This scholarship is available in many countries. But in UK, usually African students qualify for this scholarship.

Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarships

Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarships
Especially for students from Indian origin, this scholarship has helped many live their dreams over the years.

Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust Scholarships

Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust Scholarships
This scholarship program is for students in Pakistan who wish to pursue their higher studies from UK.

Westminster Full Fee Scholarships for International Students

Westminster Full Fee Scholarships for International Students
A full funding for international students in University of Westminster! Do not miss the application deadline.

University of Birmingham International Postgraduate Scholarships

University of Birmingham International Postgraduate Scholarships
This would cover the tuition fees. If you are in need of more funds, there is always the option of loans as well other funding organisations. You might even have a part time job to cover your living expenses.

Clarendon Scholarships at University of Oxford

Clarendon Scholarships at University of Oxford
Once you apply in Oxford, you are automatically considered for a Clarendon Scholarship. Make sure you have an exceptional SOP (Statement of Purpose) in order to qualify for full funding.