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Updated by Manuel Sanz on Jan 29, 2015
Manuel Sanz Manuel Sanz
4 items   1 followers   4 votes   35 views


Here you can find interesting post about aeronautics and transportation
Classic Aeronautics
Military aeronautical design and research has been the zone were the major advances in development happened in the past. The military has always had more budget and no limitations in terms of design and creation of new aerostructures, it is like having "carte blanche" or to be in a paradise for designers, inventors and developers.
We are in a time of rapid evolution and fast changing ideas, it seems like we all are getting justed to diversification and new stuff coming at a fast pace. The technology it starting to have big impact in many areas of life one of my favorites is flying and moving thru the air like ...
Aircraft Motors VS Auto Motors
There's been a recent interest in the auto world by replacing the car engine with an aircraft engine. A few videos on YouTube have even surfaced displaying the swap. After watching the videos one may begin to wonder why every vehicle isn't operated by an airplane engine and what the differences between the two motors ...