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Updated by Jakub Prószyński on May 26, 2017
Headline for Lektury #39
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Lektury #39

Social listening in 2015: top five opportunities

We assess the year's big five opportunities for building and strengthening customer relationships and driving advocacy. Social listening's growth and evolution have progressed quickly in recent years. The way we're using the data is creating more opportunities in a marketing context than ever before.

10 Simple Hacks That Will Increase Your Blog Traffic

Written on at 1:59 am by This is a guest contribution from Garrett Moon, co-founder of CoSchedule. Of course, you know that writing more blog posts will increase your blog traffic. If one blog post results in an average of 200 visits, then two blog posts should magically turn into 400 visits.

How to Break Through the Social Media Clutter

Social media use is growing by leaps and bounds every day and popular networks like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are among some of the most crowded corners of the internet.

5 Tricks to Write a Killer Blog Headline

Imagine writing an outstanding novel that received critically acclaimed reviews. The only issue is that there was no marketing plan behind the book so nobody was ever able to read the fabulous novel. The intense plot and amazing ending was only read by a handful of people.

Rzeczy, których nauczy cię blogowanie

Od kilku lat obserwuję, jak moi znajomi zaczynają zakładać blogi. Ściślej mówiąc, patrzę głównie na proces zakładania, bo później, poza pierwszymi kilkoma notkami, nie ma się czemu przyglądać. 99 % tych blogów przestaje być prowadzona w ciągu pierwszych trzech miesięcy. Dlaczego? Otóż zauważyłam, że blogowanie wymaga posiadania kilku cech.

3 ways to create better to-do lists via Fast Company

Break projects into more managable tasks You know that feeling you get when you have a really big project or deadline looming? The frustrating, nagging feeling that you need to get this impossible task done, but you've got no idea where to start? There's actually a name for this: the Zeigarnick effect.

How Lego Became The Apple Of Toys

Every September, largely unbeknownst to the rest of the company, a group of around 50 Lego employees descends upon Spain's Mediterranean coast, armed with sunblock, huge bins of Lego bricks, and a decade's worth of research into the ways children play.

5 social media goals PR pros should set

Most PR pros know social media is well past the point of being an optional, add-on service. Most of us have been helping our clients navigate the digital waters for years. We're familiar and comfortable with social media. And that can be a problem. When we become comfortable, we often fall into routines.

The Top 5 Free Content Analytics Tools

So you're consistently pumping out engaging content and have a solid distribution strategy in motion. Now you need to know how that content is performing, who's visiting your website, and how you can hook your audience so they'll return. And here's the kicker: You don't want to use up half your budget for such a service.

More Than Half of Adults Online Use Two or More Social Networks - SocialTimes

It's no surprise that Facebook is the most popular social network. In fact, among the 81 percent of American adults online, 71 percent use Facebook. While Facebook continues to dominate, the Pew report indicates that the network's growth has slowed as the number of adults using other networks has increased.

10 trendów w blogosferze na rok 2015

„Lifestyle, jaki znamy z dzisiejszych blogów to droga donikąd" - pisałem przed trzema miesiącami w pierwszej zapowiedzi stworzenia nowej marki. Trochę tym wprowadziłem w błąd, bo nie tylko lifestyle miałem na myśli. Wspomnienia weterana Pamiętam, kiedyś chcieliśmy być ładni, bo nasze blogi wyglądały jak kupy. No więc robiliśmy sobie ładne szablony.

Time-Saving Templates and Tools for Social Media

A list of time-saving templates, tools, techniques, and hacks to help you get more done on social media and your blog.

7 PR blogs worth reading

While there are only seven PR blogs mentioned here, the list is actually much larger. If you have a PR blog you'd like to recommend, please do so. [RELATED: Take your message further with stunning visuals. Learn more at our Visual Communications Conference.] Without further ado, here are a handful of PR blogs you should read.