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Updated by shirley williams on Feb 01, 2018
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Instagram Tools

Followers + for Instagram - Follow Management Tool for iPhone, iPad, iPod

Track your lost/gained followers. Level of engagement of each follower. This is an app

InsTrack for Instagram - The Most Powerful InstaFollow Tool for Tracking Instgram Followers, Unfollowers, Best Friend...

Track your Instagram followers, discover who unfollowed you on Instagram and who is not following you back, detect blockers, view your fans, rank your best friends. This is an app.

JustUnfollow - for Twitter & Instagram Management

Find Instagram and Twitter unfollowers, followers, inactive users, admirers, people who will follow back etc.

You can also schedule posts for Instagram using the #Takeoff feature. This is very useful.
It also has a follower copy feature which works very well.

Spreesy - The Easiest Way To Sell Directly On Instagram!

This enables selling directly from instagram. This links to your instagram account and is web based.
You tube description


Iconosquare provides basic analytics for your instagram account. It also enables you view your account with the additional ability to segment your followers and photos. This is web based

Repost & Regram for Instagram Free - Photo and Video Reposter Instarepost Whiz App - Shoutout, Download, Instagrab, a...

Repost & Regram for Instagram let’s you repost and regram all of the photos and videos on your Instagram feed. This is an app

InstaSize - Post Entire Photos on Social Media

This tool helps you size to the correct instagram field and provides photo editing tools for your pic.

Advertising - Instagram for Business

Account and content tips for brands on Instagram. Blog post from Instagram for business

4 Instagram Tools for Scheduling Instagram Updates

Four scheduling tools are described. Namely
- ScheduGram
- Latergramme
- Instapult
- Takeoff